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Posts posted by finkster

  1. Nearly every RADAR unit on the market today has a "hold" feature which allows the officer to prevent the RADAR beam from leaving the unit until he/she wants to check the speed of a vehicle. It is very common for the beam to be released, a speed obtained, the speed locked in, and the beam held again all within a matter of a second or two. That is much faster than you can react to your radar detector, brake, and get your car slowed down enough to avoid being stopped. In fact, the majority of detectors cannot even be activated in that short time. So, if the officer is using the unit to its full potential, you'll get nailed every time.

    This was taken off a web site i just found ;)

  2. wish i could but i cant miss any classes :( why the hell is it getting worst???? i feel terrible :(

    Did u go to the doctor? Look in the mirror with a flishlight and look at your throat and see if u can see whit spots on your throat..if so = strep usually...Also, u should go c a doc anyways cuz u might not be able to see it and if u go w out treating strep its really bad for your heart ;)

  3. all of my daily habits stayed exactly the same

    weight loss: 0 lbs =(

    teeth: no whiter

    misc: no more dizzy spells, and more of a love for water

    so if u think pop will help u lose weight then u are mistaken. i felt exactly the sameexcept it was harder to get a drink at restaurants, fast food places and vending machines.

    there are the results use em wisely

    I know this is only a thread about not drinkin water but i thought this may be worth posting:

    No sir...water will not make u lose weight but yes it does help A LOT...

    Remember, to lose weight u must first figure out how many calories your body needs per day.... heres a link to see how many you need per day http://walking.about.com/cs/calories/l/blcalcalc.htm ... Now i went there and figured i need 2809 calories a day to BREAK EVEN...

    Now hear me out on this...to lose 1 pound a week, you need to burn off 500 calories of ur daily need each day for 7 days (since there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound and 500x7= 3500) You can either eat 500 calories Less or excersize to burn it off, or preferrably BOTH.

    To lose 2 pound just double the amount so 1000 calories per day less than you need (its not hard at all i spend 40 minutes on my elliptical at home and burn 1000 calories). Now it is not recommended to lose MORE than this per day due to the fact that your body may think it is starving itself and instead it will store anything u eat = bad.

    Now in ur case IH8Punk u cut out the soda but u still could have eaten more calories than you needed per day (or if u gained no weight u broke even)...BUT water has 0 calories and it helps fill u up so u wont be tempted to eat as much junk each day...And as for ur teeth...Water doesnt have whitener in it it wont make ur teeth whiter than they are but it still definitely wont make them darker... Hope this helps and YES this weight loss plan works it would be breaking the law of physics if it didnt ;)

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