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Posts posted by doug118

  1. This is simply the best forum I have ever come across. On my birthday I recieved emails from 40 forums saying "happy birthday" and I know I'm registered on many more then that but this is definitely the best one there is. very minimal shit talking to each other, amazing moderation, always something to read and learn about, and an awesome group of people!!

    who else agrees? and what else do you enjoy??

  2. I think the best way to do it is to sand them down with some fine grit sandpaper to get as much as the factory clear as possible, then wipe them down with gasoline to clean any dust or residue left, use a self etching primer to make sure the paint will stick well, then paint black.. but do MANY light coats. and when I say many I mean like 6-8 and as far as light, the whole wheel shouldn't be fully covered until the 3rd or 4th coat. the first couple should be more like a dusting

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