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Posts posted by doug118

  1. well thats when the fire truck would smash into the audi to move it then its a whole different story. and its not like they were some young people who know how to go find a set of steelies for the time being. they spent like $60k on the car so they probably didnt want to just throw a set of shitty wheels on it, I know I sure as hell wouldn't, even if it was just until new ones came in

  2. does anyone know what he is running for his mid/high stuff? the only thing I could find was he has 24 mids, 24 tweeters, and 18 amps all together.. which doesn't seem like much seeing as how he is running 24 subs. after watching several of videos of his demos I'm sitting here scratching my head thinking, how the hell do his highs sound soo clean and crisp

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