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Posts posted by doug118

  1. there was a place in Cali called Motorex that would charge people $30k-60k to register skylines and weren't actually registering them correctly.. pretty much stealing $40k from people and the government found out.. I'll let you figure out the rest

    also another amazing sounding cobra

  2. i wish skylines were legal in cali.... this dude is selling one for super cheap but it cant be registered so there is no point of owning it if u cant drive it.

    they can easily be registered in cali, you just have to know what you are doing and have some $$$. there are plenty of places that will even do everything for you, you just have to pay them to do it

  3. I thought the temperatures were bad here, but out of curiosity I looked up the coldest place on earth aside from Antarctica and its Yakutsk Russia

    for January the average HIGH is -39, average low is -51 and record low was -81.. the lowest recorded temperature in the world was there and it was -84!!!!

    I don't think I'll ever bitch about being cold again

    oh and the record high temp in that city was 101.. average high for june-august is in the 70's which means in a 5 month span, the average temp increases 110 degrees

  4. Nightshade I agree 125% with you that hands on is by far the best way to learn but the thing is, there is only 1 shop in my area, and they are only willing to discuss anything other then JL audio and the low end Fosgate stuff. they had cool shit back in the late 90's and thats about it. I went in there once and asked if they happen to have anything bigger then a RF 1000.1 in stock and they laughed and said "no why would we carry those, they are for sound competitions only and no one in this state could handle the power they put out"

    so that idea is out the window.. if you go to campus info then staff/instructors, their staff seems to be pretty decent.. a hell of alot better then I would have from going to the one once-reputable shop in my entire state

  5. I know sometime in the next 3-5 years I want to open up my own business and it will be 1 of 2 types and car audio is one of them. Now I figure getting certified will help me out alot when it comes down to it and I haven't really found any other schools besides this one


    so does anyone have any input on the school at all? its on the other side of the country so it would be a big thing to go all the way out there and I don't really want to waste my time and money if its not worth it

    oh and please don't say anything about opening my own business, this is asking about the school, not my personal goals

  6. lol he will probably lose his job or at least be suspended.. there was no need to punch that guy in the face that many times.. actually there was no need at all. they are trained how to take a person down and hand cuff them.. I can see if that guy was swinging at him and he did it to defend but that guy just tried running

  7. the truck is amazing really... lol I kinda loook funny cause I dont say anything, I couldnt hear steve talking so I just chilled.

    lol I didn't know that was you in the passenger seat but while I was watching I was thinking, I wonder why he isn't saying anything, didn't even think about you not being able to hear lol

    oh and I think I speak for everyone when I say this but I can't wait to see people's reactions on the streets when you are playing it as loud as possible

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