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Posts posted by Scapelli21

  1. sorry to thread jack....is it true unless u have ATLEAST rms power, u shouldnt get a btl? I have a kicker 1200.1 and was looking into a BL or Q but unsure which to go with? either way would be a 12...15 or 18 would prolly work if it wouldnt be bad firing up to the trunk lid...and I listen to everything but country but mainly hip-hop...

  2. was wondering if a 9312 or uv7 would be worth the money and/or worth switchin to from a pioneer deh-6700mp? want a cheap flip-out without sacrificing sq...gettin it from CC so...the pioneer 4900 is outta my range right now and need a deck asap so savin really isnt an option. i can always upgrade later and pay the diff. it would be runnin a kicker 1200.1 and 4 12" cvr's. thanks

    ALSO, eclipse 3100 or pioneer 7900?

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