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Posts posted by pstone11

  1. Well my guestbook has been overrun again. I am so frusterated with it. I took it down a while back because of spam, and finally put it back up with a confirmation code...... didn't help much. Some spam won't even let me delete it..

    I really want a guestbook that I can have complete control over, add in all my old entries and dates I have saved from when I first brought the site up, and hopefully easy to put in there.....

    Thanks...... I'll mail out some "token" of my appreciation if somebody can take care of me.

    The website is Stonesounds

  2. Well, It's close enough now - Heading out to Afghanistan for a few. Going to be teaching Afghanis how to work on their helicopters. I'll be out in New Jersey for most of July, then Down in El Paso for a chunk of August. After that, I get 3 days with my family, then I'll be out for 6 months.

    I should have some kind of internet though. Don't see many builds coming from me any time soon.... Unless I can figure out how to get an alternator on a camel......

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