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Posts posted by pstone11

  1. So, I was looking through my T2K owners manual, and it says that my phase switches on both amps should ba at 0 - makes sense - two t20001's, one master, one slave, one amp per sub (18" dual 2 BTL's wired to 1 ohm). These things sound 10x quieter with the switches on 0 - one switch (either amp) has to be on 180, and the other on 0 to even be loud... WTF is that??

    Maybe a switched RCA??, That's all I can really think of. I'd check now, but it's raining so I figured I'd pick your brains.

    I'm at a loss - they sound incredible, but only on 180 and 0. I don't want anything to fuck up because of this...

  2. I have a more different solution to this - I usually get the terminal ring that is super tight with the wire you're using (i.e. 0/1 gauge terminal for RF, Kicker 0/1 wire, or a bored out 4 gauge terminal for stinger, lightening 0/1 gauge, or other mega huge shielded wires). Then, just tap it with a lil' sledge to form the terminal to the wires, then after that, use a good size pin punch to tack that sucker in as many places as you want.. Solder free solution..

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