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Posts posted by 2000LaDe

  1. looks good to me. thatl get plenty loud for "daily". what kinna car?

    that set up would get me in the relm of wanting more. if your not going to compete and strictly be a daily beater i would go with 4 cheaper 12s. itll take about the same air space with more cone.

    wtf how fucking big would u build a box for an 18 with a 3500 watt amp on it? keep building and learning please before giving out tips like that.

  2. u have obviously already researched. you will get a million different choices because people run all sorts of brands on here. everything will mostly be biased based on what they are running since everything thinks what they are running is the best. honestly ive ran a few 18s in my day and ive had luck with Treo SSX 18s and Nightshade 18s. ran an adassa spl 18 and it was loud but didnt sound good. rocked an ma audio 18xl as well for awhile and they sounded like poo but got loud.

  3. so just to give u a rough idea of what mid 150s at 26hz does behind c pillar if you dont strengthen your roof..... i got the steel late last week so i wasnt able to get the roof done before this past weekends show. i decided to go ahead and get the ball rolling on getting the roof strong again but come to find out its fucked...... started to rip in the rear so i put a piece of deadener of it for now to keep it from leaking. luckily i didnt let it get as bad as johns truck but its still messed up. i will still eventually need to get it welded up but im gonna go ahead and weld in steel and what not to the roof so it doesnt get worse.




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