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Posts posted by tbeats

  1. Ok so the subs are in a 2.25 cubic ft per sub box tuned at 34hz powered by a saz-1200 .. my question is if I set the gain with say even -5db will that be pushing the amps limits to push the subs way harder then what they should be for a ported box with that much air space? From what ive got from sundown is with a larger ported box less power is the safest bet. So would I be better setting the amp with the 0db track?

  2. Ok I have two sa12's poerted at 34Hz in 2 cubic feet per sub..powered with a saz-1200d lpf at 80hz gain set with a dd-1 with -10db . First I had the subsonic at 28hz an it sounded sloppy it went to 30 an a little better sound an couldn't tell any loss off low end at all. But still doesn't sound the best like the sub losses control at higher volume. . So would it be better to set the SSF exactly at port tunning?

  3. Ok so I have two sa12's d4 on a saz1200d gain set with a dd1 on -5db . Can crossover an ssf set with cc1. Crossover at 100hz an ssf at 30 Hz box is tuned at 34hz... So after playing today in 80 degrees sunny day for maybe 20min an went full tilt maybe 4-5 minutes on a track the dust caps was pretty warm ... Not like burning hot can't hold my hand to them hot but noticeably warm- hot... No smell..so is that normal with the sa???

  4. Tony D said no, it's accounted for somehow. How that works is so far over my head though.

    I kinda understand that on a amp that's constant power like jl Audio slash or the new rockford line . But with amps that various with voltage it almost to me looks like your most stable voltage would be when the best spot to set it at .Maybe...
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