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Team Maf

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Posts posted by Team Maf

  1. I have a 00 jimmy w/ 4-12" eathquakes running off one 1501d thunder series mtx amp (all 0g wire), also have the 200amp alternator. And for some reason theres a really low constant hummin coming from my subwoofers, i ran my rca across from the power cable atlest 3ft across and some of the sound is gone, but most still there. i pretty sure its the ALT. Does anyone know how to stop the humming completely?

    ground loop isolater? to take out engine noise/whine correct peeps? Or you amp could be crappin out, my goliath had a awful hum in it constantly at any volume, itd happen on and off until it finally blew out(total garbage amp to begin with, goliaths always had problems).

    hey btw im from south bend too...

  2. man, i just use my charm and wit, to think all this time all i had to do was throw on a small t-shirt

    but i'm upstate, no way just a t-shirt is gonna fly, 3 degrees yesterday with the windchill and nearly as bad today

    Yea same here, used my wit the other day when i was dressed like a bum...it dont matter honestly its just a bonus to showoff "what you got" with whatever BS clothes you wear. Im dressed in layers myself lately, that arctic air is no joke.

  3. Times are getting tough with winter and all and people are bundling up with layers of clothes and jackets....so how the fuck does anyone show off their figure or body anymore now? Its like there's a major slowdown in the game, talking on campus/school wise(for me). Cant use the hax of what muscle i have to show offyou know? Its like everythings gone G-rated, girls dont have shit showing anymore etc....

    I threw on my SMD shirt today and it gets me looks thanks to the proper fit of it(meade mustve picked a descent company/maker with the fabric of the shirts). Usually them chink t shirts dont fit properly and are too short, thanks to my big shoulders.

    So in other words im basically pulling the opposite of what these bitches do around now, just trying to draw attention to myself via my appearance. You know fight fire with fire.....eh? If they can do it so can we right....but im not saying to go out and throw on a shirt 2 sizes to small to make you appear to be big you know :spiteful: .

    Winter needs to pass already......im already sick of it.


  4. You got to think logic before hand.

    Question: What amps get modded, and why can they be modded?

    Answer: High end amps that have quality internals built to take a beating and then some, components inside can handle the extra beat down and or the addition of new components can make it possible.

    And as said already some amps you can mod just bypassing the protection circuit to allow for lower loads..making more power possible.

    I know there's some companies out there that just rate their specs of their amps according to what some every day chump in a stock electrical car can provide to it...then they know willingly that if the juice can be supplied that their amp can do double the power(designers of amp sitting laughing their ass off when you find this out)

  5. Hey man I live in Fort Wayne and I have a buddy nearby who has a TL ill see if hes wantin to get rid of it. Hes mentioned it before

    I dont have 4-5bills to buy one, i just need to use it once or twice and thats it. Id slip him some funds for him to let me to do that....

  6. dont mean to thread jack but what is the name of the song in the second video at 1:09? i think its from d west's album that he let peeps download for free a while back but im not sure, it only plays for like 2 seconds so...i had my cd's stolen and that was one of them and i want to get it again if possible

    that song is HIM, suicide is painless cover....u kno the theme from mash..just happened to be on that cd that was playing while i was talking....NOT A BASS TRACK... :01nocomment8so:

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