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E a r t h

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Posts posted by E a r t h

  1. hey man im 5-8" with my Lugz on!! fuck yall! :D :D

    I don't see a problem here. This just means his seat is further forward, leaving more space to use in the back, see where I'm going with this :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:B)

    maybe 1 1/4" but not a full 2" lift.......i wish! I wouldnt mind being 5-9 with lugz on!

    Being different is what you're about anyway

    for real im about 5' - 6.72353432"

    Hahahahaha.....good one that's funny shit right there

    i took a little bit off for Tread Wear bro.....your talkin brand new lugs, minez a few months old :D

    That's real talk too :D
  2. So I was at the gas station filling up, I look down and there is a lake of fuel under my car, I'm like FUCK THAT. Now I proceed to lay down to see why the puddle is still growing rapidly FUCK THAT. I take my uniform shirt off, lay down and there is a torn rubber boot that connects the gas filler pipe to the gas tank and all the gas I was pumping is now on the fucking ground, I yelled MOTHER FUCKER, SON OF A BITCH>>>>>>>>GOT DAMNIT, man FUCK THAT. I stuffed a rag in there to get me home and it cost me $28 for what I pumped. There was nothing I could do about it at night so FUCK THAT. Next morning I wake up early to get a better look at the problem, but it's Tuesday and I have to drive 75 miles to school. That's 150 miles round trip every day, and Before I left I grabed a 5lb fire extinguisher,'' BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY '' I had that thank god is charged. FUCK THAT for having to be ghetto, and FUCK THAT for my fuel guage reading 1/4 tank lower from leaking all night. To make things worse, It's dark when I get home. So now I'm stuck dealing with this untill the weekend. I had to fill up every day from tuesday, FUCK THAT. It is now Saturday and I have to buy that part that I can't afford but can't afford not too FUCK THAT. I spent over two hours maybe more I dunno I was pissed and lost track off time to fix FUCK THAT. Mind you It's 112 plus 75% humidity and I'm laying on the ground with my car on jack stands getting burnt and getting bruises working against gravity & mmmmy arms shaking FUCK THAT :excl: This week cost me so much $$$ in gas & a stupid part FUCK THAT. I'm so exhausted and in pain from the heat and cuts & bruises I endured from this. Oh well I have Monday off so atleast I can recoup one more day. I thought I would share this with people who have had problems just like me that understand, thanks for taking the time to read my weeks rant. Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease

  3. That's the most retarded thing i've heard in awhile. Don't take this the wrong way but , it sounds like your buddy is a LOP. And the girl,...is she really worth all this high school bullshit,...seriously? I say fuck em both & do something more constructive with your time. Trust me your wasting your time with that senario. Drama is all that will come from the situation. Let some of the older folk here at SMD be an example for you, we've all been there before.

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