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Posts posted by BEEKAY

  1. Well this month does not seem to be my month as far as electrical goes. With my Singer alternator taking a shit and now my charger. Pretty disappointing considering I've been using this charger religiously for the last year and a half with no issues to charge my XS batts, absolutely love it. Anyway, I went to plug my truck up like I do every night but noticed the charger making a very strange high pitched noise like something is leaking. Never heard this before and my volt meter connected to back battery bank was showing no charge. Busted out my DMM and sure enough there is no charge coming from the charger at all. The charger turns on, the fan kicks on, the light is red as if it's charging, but there is no charge whatsoever. In the video you'll notice when I put the camera on the side of the charger with the switch you can hear the high pitched leaking sound very well. Sounds like a cap is leaking or something. Anyone experience this issue? As always thanks for any insight.

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