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Posts posted by lazeris

  1. thin steak, marinate in soy sauce or teriyaki or whatever marinade you want for about 12 hours, you can do it for less but I like to let it soak in. Then lay in the trays and wait till you got jerkey. You can make peppered by sprinkling pepper over meat when in the tray.

    you can buy liquid smoke or somthing like that to add a smokey flavor but I dont really care for it, doesnt taste the same as real smoked meat.

  2. for realz, i hardly talk on here because i try and avoid saying something stupid or getting into an argument that will get me banned. If you get banned and are allowed back on then whats the point of banning, then if you let someone pass then you have to let others or else you are playing favorites, i dont think a forum should be like that. At some point in life, even as a kid or teenager you have to learn that actions have consequences and you need to think before you speak or act sometimes or else you may lose out on things in life. I dont understand how people dont get that. David, I think you are doing the right thing. Drop Da Hamma!

  3. So as a teenager I loved domestic. I was a Chevy boy, I have owned a 91 Astro, 88 S-10, 2000 Malibu, then the most recent Domestic was a Dodge Intrepid 2004 (ill get to that in a bit). I miss all my Chevys but it was a love hate relationship with each one. Although the most reliable one was the Astro, then the s-10, I say this because for the age and miles the repairs werent that bad but still.

    Then I fell in love with the Malibu, got it brand new, was great, I thought this is the car I knew America could build...LOL...Then the problems started. Monthly payments and having to replace the rotors at 15K Tires at 20K and Rotors again at 28K...Keep in mind all this happened within a two to three year time period, I put about 20-25K a year on my cars...at 35K the Rotors needed replacing again so this time I invested in slotted rotors because it seemed the design defect was that they overheated too fast...Then a couple months later out of left field I take it in because its losing coolant bad...it had around 38K on it at the time and thought well if its the engine maybe Chevy would be cool about it or at least cover some of whats wrong...I took it in and sure enough, head gaskets were blown...keep in mind I drive like a granny...They said they didnt like doing repairs on that and just replaced engines if they needed new gaskets....LOL so at that point I lost all love for Chevy...I still miss the car but it was a headace...I got the Dodge to get out of the Chevy and it was what I could afford because I was upside down on the Chevy....

    The Dodge was not nowhere as bad as the Chevy but I just didnt really like it, I put about 40K on it and didnt really have much of a problem except I found out early on that those engines build up sludge like crazy if you dont use expensive synthetic oil and with regular oil may not go beyond 150K so I started that early on and made sure I changed every 5K.

    I used to laugh because my brother got a 97 Civic as his first car, told him Civics were chick cars...Honda's were crap...blah blah blah....Well 145K later and only break pads, tires, a couple tunes ups and regular oil every 7K he still has his Civic.

    Long story short I am the proud owner of a Honda CR-V now...I love it and plan on keeping it well beyond the time I pay it off....so far I put 28K on it and I change the oil every 8K or so and the tires are even still good on it...I am a definite believer in the power of rice...lol...I love my import and dont plan on buying domestic anymore...Although Mercury did take top spot in reliability amongst luxury cars all around lone term reliability has been with Honda and Toyota brands for many years. I still love Chevys but I wouldnt own one as a daily.

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