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Posts posted by ROLEXrifleman

  1. Off topic nice avatar Rolex

    I'll cut your head off

    He ain't gettin' his Zeus back! LOL . . .

    HC has done some homework for sure.

    Maybe Tony D' can shed some light . . .

    haha... I mentioned the Zeus to him and his only reply was " I hope it's getting used and pounding the shit outta some speakers somewhere" knowing him he's got a few amps in his closet. If I got the zeus there's no telling what he held onto.

    waiting patiently for Tony D to step up to the mic

  2. damn, I better work on getting that T40001 asap

    it's all relative bro...i mean you aren't getting 8,000 out of the T4k LOL! (double)....but you can usually expect 4500-5000 out of them with a decent chance of getting one in the 4800's. :)

    I hear you broski, and here I was worried about it making rated! Like I said on instagram, I gotta get outta that mindset, and start giving technology evolving the credit it deserves! Thanks again for the video man!!!

    And follow me on instagram, rolexrifleman :)

  3. I love these tests... the one I have always wanted to see is a drag race between something like a punch 800a2 and a punch power 800a2....was the power version worth the extra cash

    I've tested a Power 800a2 already and should have an 800a2 next week. I'm also interested in how they compare. These are a little after my time as well @Rolex, but I've come to appreciate them, at least for their performance...I still don't like their looks though :P

    I've come to appreciate the newer fosgate as well, but refuse to own the Best Buy series. I'm working on getting a T40001bd as we speak! :)

  4. As always, Thank you for another great video!

    I've never been a big fan of the Best Buy generation fosgate and while this one, even being a molested example, put up great numbers I'm curious if you think the DSM series of the same amp would crush these numbers.

    The 50x2 is what would be the grey dsm power series model. While I don't have the 50x2, i have the prototype for it which is teh 25x2. This was in teh black foreman grill heat sink and was never in production, they went to the grey and called it the 50x2. Your more than welcome to it for test purposes if you want to put it against something

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