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About killerdano

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  1. I know Polish and English... but my parents put me threw polish school when i was 5 years old... till 10.. then being around polish people helps so much.. i'm 17 now and i have some friends just because i can talk polish to them at school, just be around the people you want to learn the language from, you'll catch on kick
  2. wow i will really look into that when i head off into college... thanks
  3. really? are you in colllege? or high school I would love to take that class, it would broaden my website making to a new level
  4. Thank you everyone who checked out my site... i have been getting a lot of postive feedback, and suggestions that help. Thanks again
  5. Good question It is mostly html, but there is some php. On the bottom of every page there is a Support Link where you can send stuff in to me. Its basic but i'm just learning php and mysql
  6. I think I need to get more games up in some categories that are lacking.... and maybe a page that has a list of all the games
  7. Thanks, but does anyone have any opinions about anything only getting good remarks isn't always the best but i do like it
  8. thanks for bookmarking! I have a very good host for the site, IMO
  9. Thanks, yes it is but it took me about 2 months (lazyness) to make it so i have changed it a lot to where i liked it... I still will change it thought to make it better
  10. Thanks, and on the homepage and every page the games, in the bars are random and switch between games. Only the games in the description I have to change around manually
  11. No, I am not I am a web developer/designer, spent many hours in class and at home teaching myself, but i wish i was. Creating Flash games is cool
  12. Hi, I just finished making my new website(Flash arcade site), its mostly a hobby right now, but I am looking for people that will bookmark my page and play games on it. Or tell me what I should so that you will enjoy my website more Honest opinion please!!!!!!!!! I'm still a noob at all this, so if you are interested with this site at all tell me what I should do to get you a regular visitor and today is the first day that when you search"find internet games" on Google i'm #1 http://findinternetgames.com thanks again
  13. So all you Colorado, people asking where you live, and maybe schedule a meet up in the future. I'll start: Colorado Springs, Colorado
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