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Everything posted by FiBTLforlife

  1. no 1,500rms man. not running all yet. and i just got back from comp in foley. did a 146.3 on TL...won my class and outbeat about 20 cars
  2. ok??? seems kinda a waste of time. fags or no fags, just meet the fck up and see whos louder then go home. that about it. then its done with. u cant let pep who act stupid make u drop to their level.
  3. http://www.audioque.com/aq/AQ3500D.htm 8v-0.2v so i wont be over, just borderline lol http://cgi.ebay.com/PHOENIX-GOLD-TLD22-CAR...93%3A1|294%3A50 this is whats coming in friday
  4. i need anyone input on this with the line driver.... never have used one BF so if u know things about them please share with me. thanks again guys
  5. na i know what u talking about, ive got this done right now. and the most i can do is 1,800rms with volts coming out of my amp bc the preouts on the HU is so low. the amp can take 8V input, and teh line drive will be 8v. .....so i wont be overdoing it, but like right borderline. i should of got one with a setting so i can tune it like i want, but it was only $30 phoenix gold one. ill get a newer one later, but would u think the 8v input would be a bad thing???????
  6. well i got a jensen HU and the pre output sucks on it. if i got a track that i edit myself it gets really low and sounds good. i got vids posted on here. but with a regular CD i have to have my bass on the HU all the way up to get any bass out of the subs. but the problem is that the rear speakers are getting to much bass and i cant turn it to but vol 30 with a CD in. so i was wanting to put in the line driver, run the bass on HU down and the higher preout on HU should even it all out. thay way i can turn it to my regular vol and the rear speakers dont distort from the bass on HU being up. ow and i wont be using cut and screwed music. just regular CD music from the songs i love your girl, get low, and BME click any thoughts on this???
  7. gone be going to my first comp this sat with the truck i got done building. gone be running 2,000rms on the 2 10s and getting me a line driver in friday to install which will bring my HU to 8v output instead of 2voutput. we can only use a CD that u buy in stores and all the music i got is edited, screwed, or bass enhanced. So this is the songs i might play: THE DREAM money and hate ---- I love your girl Lil john ----- get low, BME click the CD's are so much diff in bass and treble, so when my line driver comes in, i got to reset my amp and HU so the bass hits like it did on the ipod. wish me luck any advise will be great since i dont know what to expect when i get there. thanks guys :hairtrick:
  8. just been doing some tuning here and there seeing what i like and have been shooting some vids in the process. what yall think??? 2 10'' AQ subs
  9. i was the one that bought the amp on ebay. lol i was bored at work and it was only $24 so im like what the hell ill get it and play around. hooked it up, worked fine but never had the time to finish my project on it due to truck build. so i sent it the krannyman92 to mess with. so yeah the housing is missing, thats why it was only $24
  10. lmao "real power" i like that. im trying to save my money. $500 is hard to come by when u in school full time and work part time at min wage. gone try and get some side jobs going with my dad with electrical work. i make hella good when i do. ill keep stuff posted on my build log. but when i get it can be few months from now
  11. my buddy works at big 10 tires, he had a guy there that didnt think my truck would be that loud. so i though ill stop by for a visit. at the time i was running 1,400rms to the subs, but now after they are broke in im running 2,000rms to them and it is much louder and will have vids up on the audio comp im going to this sat. and my friend in vid just has to say turn it up more at the end. im like dude i cant not right now. he knows it can get much louder let me know what yall think
  12. yeah ill have to try that one, never have played that songs bf so it will be new to me. i had 3 4'' ports at like 27'' long each. give or take. it was little over 27'' if i can remember right.
  13. new vids showing flex and air movement in cab http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBYjNmTKr3g...h?v=TBYjNmTKr3g
  14. ok guys, i ran the RCA's opposite of the power wires, re grounded the amp and even sanded down the metal. checked for shorts in wires, no shorts. no speaker wire touching metal. i even took the RCA that runs to my AQ amp and disconnected it from the HU and ran it as the front stage RCA (stinger). it still does it. so now im like clueless. amp is bran new never been hooked up bf.
  15. both RCA's being bad??? i just got done using the memphis RCA not long ago so thats why i kinda got it ruled out. but not completely lol
  16. ok guys, im trying to figure this out. never have had a problem with this in my other installs but this is the first high amp ive had in my truck. i have all my wires ran on the left side on the truck in a tunnel that runs from the front of truck to the rear. which includes the 1/0 wire, 3RCAs, remote wire, bass knob wire, and one speaker wire. now i checked the output on the amp, and on the front stage it puts out a wining noise from the rear stage as well. which means that the front RCA (memphis) would be bad, and the rear stage RCA (just got it today) would be bad. so i dont think its the RCA cables. i also have a metal bracket he runs under the amp. i have the amp sitting under my seat with the amp on top of this metal bracket. now i dont have it bare metal to metal. i put some carpet over the metal bracket then put the amp down. should i do something different than the carpet like maybe MDF? my grounds are good, power wire is good, no loose wires, no bare wires, no pos wire touching neg wire. so im kinda clueless right now guys, any suggestions or advice would be great thanks mike
  17. update on vids: (shirt trick) (funny ass vid, someone hurd me like 500ft away) (shot of ports messing with shirt)
  18. i needed three ports to get the tuning right for the box. it took 3 4'' wide ports at like 27'' each (something like that) to make it work and sound good. box is 33hz and sounds great. thanks for all the feedback guys, i got a build log on the site as well so check it out. and yes the subs are very large. they was 104lbs for the two. and the ports do get a lil head turns when im down the road or doing a demo. ill have a hair trick up soon. the air moves so much in this truck its crazy, prob for many reasons like the ports being up like they are, having two subs, and my cab being so small.
  19. just running 1500rms right now and this vid shows what it looks on on the inside of cab with ports, subs, and amp i got a build log on this also on SMD
  20. i got a build log going on my newest set up. but thought ill share this old vid i had
  21. ok im going to go with the 4'' tube since ive already ordered it and i believe the 6'' will hit the passenger seat head rest or may just be to big in general. i can get away with the 4' flare. Decaf along with me and Krannyman92 have come up with these measurements for the box. 3 4" port tubes at 26.5 total length for each tube. is this correct? i just want to double check before i order the other 2 ports
  22. well if i use one 6'' i need to make sure i got room. how much is the cut out and the total width of the flare on the port? this is a single cab truck so things are limited on space. i got 8'' depth and 15'' height to work with. i can let the port come out the box some but to an extent, mayble like 6'' or 10'' max outside the box. driver is a AQ15''HDC3 on a AQ3500d amp. i have already ordered the 4'' port lol and just got to the house today so if i can use the 4'' and would sound good ill use them. just not sure if the 6'' will work if the lengh is to long
  23. is there any way i can take the 4'' ports and make it were they are 17'' long or less? if i use 4 4'' tubes would that work or no. not to sure on how the tube ports work
  24. lol damn ok thanks man, time to sit down and think threw the box. i ordered a port already 4'' but its only 17'' long
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