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Posts posted by Btrash

  1. Update: went and tried putting the risers between the mobo and the case, but they where way to tall and all the cards would be offset way to much to even fit the case. So I put the pink packaging foam that the mobo was shipped on between the mobo and case with some added electrical tape around the mounting bases in the case. I put it all back together and hit the power, and its all working.

    Right now it is formatting the hard drive, getting ready for a fresh copy of windows xp pro.

    Nice! Looks like it was shorting on something probably. Yeah, some crap boards have the components way too close to the inner rim of the holes for the risers, so they need those little cardboard thingys, or electrical tape in your case :-D

    KILLER framerates in CS btw.

  2. Let me try to set it up using the ethernet and if it works great. So would this router work? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...1&CatId=373

    EDIT: That didn't work. My computer or modem one must have a bunk ethernet port. SO I guess I will just grab the $9 worth of adapters and run USB to ethernet adapters. So just any cheap wireless router will work? Not looking to spend $100 on a router.

    Yeah that router, or any other router like it will work fine. No need for a super expensive router. Your router or PC may just not have the settings correct for ethernet, which could be an easy fix, but hard to figure out if you are without internet at the times that you are trying to get the settings right, so I wouldn't be able to help you very easily, but if I was there I could probably do it in a minute or two, so you might just be better off getting that adapter, or if you know anybody that is has a bit of computer or networking know how, have them take a look at it for you. I fix peoples stuff all the time for a beer or whatnot.

  3. My desktop has an ethernet port and my Modem has ethernet out but when they came and set up my internet that's how they done it. I never tried it with the ethernet.

    EDIT: Do they make some sort of USB to ethernet adapter so I can keep my existing setup and just use an adapter on the router end?

    Like using this:


    That I am not entirely sure of. If you have a ethernet port, you should use it. USB will be limiting the network speeds.

  4. Alright guys I'm needing some help on getting a router. Right now I have my desktop in the "computer room" with cable coming in to the modem then it's usb out to the computer. Then I have my Laptop for my college work and such. So I'm wondering what kind of router do I need to run the USB from my modem into then a USB out to my desktop and have it send a wireless signal so I can pick it up from my laptop. As of now, I must unplug the USB from the desktop and plug it into my laptop and I've got the net but having a wireless signal so I can still have the desktop as normal and use my laptop anywhere in the house would be great. Does that make sense?

    It is gonna be tough to find a wireless router that uses usb, like yours does, instead of ethernet. I would buy a normal wireless router w/4 port switch , and also a PCI ethernet card for your desktop.

  5. clefts?
    Cleft lip (cheiloschisis) and cleft palate (palatoschisis), which can also occur together as cleft lip and palate are variations of a type of clefting congenital deformity caused by abnormal facial development during gestation. This type of deformity is sometimes referred to as a cleft. A cleft is a sub-division in the body's natural structure, regularly formed before birth. A cleft lip or palate can be successfully treated with surgery soon after birth. Cleft lips or palates occur in somewhere between one in 600-800 births.
    CliffsNotes (formerly Cliffs Notes, and often, incorrectly, CliffNotes) are a series of student study guides available primarily in the United States. The guides present and explain literary and other works in pamphlet form or online. Endorsers say the guides help readers understand complex works, while detractors say they let students avoid even reading them.
  6. also do you have any cordless phones near the router that are on the same freq. as the router? or between the router and the PC?

    Example a 2.4 ghz router and a 2.4 ghz phone. This was the case for me, and anytime the phone was answered, it knocked out any wireless connections to the router.

    I have also heard the same being true for microwaves.... but I doubt you have your router near one.

    Also alot of internal wireless cards have shitty antennas, so it might just be that it can't see the router at certain times. You might need to get an pcmcia wireless card. My fiance was in a similar boat. Got bad and/or crappy signal with her internal card, but with a pcmcia card, gets 3-4 bars of signal in the same spot.

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