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Posts posted by Brick2560

  1. I gave it because our head coach was having umm... "relations" with student girls. A small town like ours, your last name gets you a long ways, I believe thats why he isnt out of a job. In my opinion you can't play for someone you very little respect for.

    Thats a great point, having to respect the coach to play for him. But yeah, I live in a hella small town (1,500-2,000 people) too, so I know how far your last name gets you. Except for me, my father played at Garden City (Western Kansas) so theres no hype for me. Until we started tackling drills today for the first day of pads. I fuckin' owned. But yeah, only 1 more day till I get a lil' break, Sat. morning I get to sleep in til' 6:30am. Sunday I completely get off, then monday we're back at it. We were 1-8 last season. It ain't happening again.

  2. Well, I got a few minutes before bed. So I thought I'd drop in and tell you how much it sucks, I've puked up 4 times in 2 days. Yesterday night when I got home, I just SAW the food, and fuckin' puked. Today I got in trouble for cussing during supermans (start at the goal line, sprint 20 yards, do 5 pushups, sprint back, 5 situps, sprint back to teh 20, 5 jumping jacks, back to the goal line, 5 hip squat thrusts. *for those of you that dont know what that is, its as bad as it sounds.* then back to the 20. And thats 1, we ran 5 of them.) so I had to run 10 100's.

    And so much more thats made my life hell.

  3. Well tomorrow morning at 5am we start 3 weeks of 2-a-days for football, and I'mma be running on an extremely tight schedule.

    6am - Practice

    7:30 - Noteables (Show Choir) practice

    8:15 - school

    3:15pm - get out of school

    3:30 - practice

    5:45 - get out of practice

    6:00 - eat/homework/shower

    8:00pm - Go to bed

    Repeat for the next three weeks.

    So I won't be on much at all or enough to post, so I'll be back and see you all on the 6th of September ;):give_rose:

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