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suburban ant

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Posts posted by suburban ant

  1. I used the welding cable from ebay.

    It is different than what most jeep owners do. Thats why i asked if i ruined my jeep. It seems like a lot of people get offended if someone does something weird or different to a jeep. :rolleyes:

    hell na, i remember sbn like 6-7 years ago there was a walled off white jeep on the juice.. man came up to the lanes 3 wheeling.. i've wanted to see another walled jeep since than :D

  2. when it happened i didnt feel the pain but i knew it wasnt gonna be pretty......i didnt cuss too much i had to hold it together for my sons. They thought i cut my finger off so i had to stay strong for them. It was bleeding everywhere as you can imagine but i didnt hit an artery so i was able to slow the blood down pretty good. I wanted to panic so bad but i just put pressure on it with a paper towel and held it up over my head till my wife showed up to take me to emergency. I called myself a few choice names under my breath though thats for sure :D

    yeah man, the ones you dont feel are the bad ones.. when you look down and realize it youre like ohhhhh shit.. i want a vicodin :(

  3. Customer Rating: 5 5

    Best subwoofer i bought 08/29/2007

    By 007s Read all my reviews

    "This sub ROCKS..... it handles the p100.0 rockford beautifully..... A little pricey but its worth it. Recomend to everyone"

    Would you recommend this product to a friend?: Yes

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  4. Who uses this? It's been a while since I've done it, and honestly forgot how great it is. I've neglected my paint lately, been about 6 months since the last wax but I usually wash her once a week. Pulled out the Mothers Clay Bar today and went to town for about an hour. Now I'm too lazy to rewax, but right now its so clean and so soft n smooth. If you have never tried it, go to your auto parts store and pick it up. Its a night and day differnce. I just felt I had to tell someone :D

  5. i hate jertks who break check, i got cut off on the interstate real bad by a semi and had to swerve into the middle lane, mother fucker i cut off sped around and got infrotn of me and straight up slammed on his breaks.. he slowed to like 30 and i always crushed his fucken kia.. that bitch was fucken lucky.. i keep a hatful of golfballs in my shit, and if u piss me off of break check me ebtter believe ull ahve a topflight flying at ur shit

  6. I found a damn good paying job.

    I want to have this built by the time spring rolls around:

    1 8.5CF box tuned to 30Hz

    1 new HO Alt to run dual alts

    1 Pioneer 880 with USB input cable

    1 set of Rainbow Comps, not sure yet

    2 18" Fi BTLs

    2 BXi 2607Ds

    2 Kenetik 1600's

    4 runs of positive 0 gauge

    4 runs of negative 0 gauge

    anything seem out of place?

    sounds tasty, you really dont need the dual alts.. if you want a bracket made for down the road when you wanna slew in a 2nd when you upgrade power than yeah.. but for what ur sayin its not necessary.. one beef'd alt should do the trick

  7. The wing house here sucks!! I loved the one in otown and have had nothin but shit food and horrible service at this one..

    was that jason james droptop s10? i seen him the other day with the chopped top, but i dont think his wheels are that big unless he got some enw ones for the shows.. he's always had lil spokes

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