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Posts posted by talentfinder36

  1. Hey bro..no problem. This section isn't about "me" it's about us helping out our bruthas. Feel free to step in and help out.

    You do bring up some very valid points on shifting and wastegating.

    As far a the twins, I ran several different setups in both my personal 2000 Cummins and my race truck. For my personal truck I stuck with an HX55 and HX40 setup. On a normal day, punching the throttle would put out about 75lbs of boost. If I turned on the drugs, they'd get up to 102lbs. Took me about 2 1/2 years working with a group of turbo engineers to get it perfected.

    102 Lbs :blink: ..............hold up man i gotta go clean my seat :unsure:. That is very impressive man

  2. You'll still get the spool up sound of a turbo, the only thing that BOV's are typically used for are to regulate backpressure. Bov's will prevent the turbo from "huffing" or spinning backwards if too much back pressure is applied to the turbo. However, on normal scenarios back pressure is only created when you are full bore into the throttle, have the turbo spooled up and then just completely let off the throttle. There really is an art to driving with a turbo to gain it's maximum efficiency.

    Personally, i'd skip on the BOV, that is one of those items that was created for really high HP or to help stupid people to stop breaking turbo's. If you wastegate your turbo right, you shouldn't need anything more. As I have stated before, I've ran multiple sets of twins at very high pressures and never had any need for a BOV. I'm definately not going to stop you from getting it if you want it. But I suggest, first you build your setup, run with it and then re-visit if you need a BOV :D

    I kno this is your area and all kev. I agree with you on mostly everything. If his turbo has an external wastegate or an enlarged internal wastgate flapper i would pass on the on the BOV. But if he is running a internal wastgate smaller than like 50mm I would go with a BOV. Especially if your not used to driving a higher hp car everytime he shifts it might build too much pressure but it all depends on how much boost he is running. To the OP wat are your hp goals for this car and what turbo are you running? Nice car too. And Kev what did you run twins in (just curious, I love twin turbo set ups)

  3. yeah i'm pretty sure its good because the heat still works just the rear defroster doesn't turn on.

    In most cars the rear defroster has its own fuse. But you said that the button lit up. So it probably means that the stripes have a short in them. Just take it to the dealer since you have a warrenty. I just changed one in a Jag the other day and charged $600 its a pain in the ass to change. Good Luck man

  4. str8diesel is right you dont want to let your car idle for that long. It actually is gas consuming. You can start the motor and go. Now you are not to start the car and gun it, but all cars gasoline, diesel whatever are designed that way. I can get in the details but i dont have time right now im at work. He has knock because is oil sump is probably clogged due to now oil changes so the oil is not getting the right places. To the OP xtremeSPL gave you the right directions to fix it but just make sure you get those regular oil changes its there for a reason.

  5. :lol::lol:

    COOL........ anybody snort their cofee through their nose yet. I know I almost did when reading this this morning. Thats why I passed it along. Happy Monday Morning. Oh and Afternoon to the you east coast folk.

    yeah man there are about 75 older men (im 21) at this meeting all with salaries ($150,000 +). I read it and lol'ed and they all turned a looked at me. Thanks for that!!! Have a good Monday man :lol: that was a good laugh

  6. lol... yah i think i figured out what the problem is... i think i blew the head gasket. So ive got to tear it apart. Im thinking about just taking it to a mechanic, just to make sure its done right. What do u think?

    How are you around cars. Head Gaskets on hondas are not hard to change. Probably 4 hrs for a rookie mechanic with instructions.

    Also you leakin oil?

  7. I hear ya'll on that. I wasn't ready for college and totally fucked up. I graduated with more scholorships than i could handle. My first year of college i was pocketing $9,000 in scholorship money a semester!! But i was slacking off and partied my ass off. I was on probation, then suspened and was threatened to be expelled. I ended up leaving the school got a really high paying job ($50,000 +) and now im bout to go back to school. But there are days i wish i would have just focused and finished so i dont have to do this job and school at the same time. But for anyone readin this stick in there tough it out. It sucks now but imagine trying to get your degree when you have a full time job, a morgage, maybe a fam and other real life responsiblities. Oh yeah and im turning 21 in two weeks so i consider myself lucky to not fall farther.

  8. anyone?

    Make an abs sludge. All you need is a piece of abs sheet and some acetone. Cut the sheet in to as small pieces as you can. In a separate container pour some acetone in and drop the abs pieces it that. The acetone will start breaking down the pieces and you'll have a sludge. you can experiment with the consistancy by adding or decreasing the amount of acetone. Add the sludge to your project and then let the acetone evaporate out and you'll be left with hardened abs. Best way to bond abs together.

  9. Well it's a new year and we all got something we would like to do different, better this next year.

    So what are you looking to change?

    Me, I'm looking to getting back behind my drum set. I played for almost 15 years before I had an accident with my hand that made me put them up. I doubt anyone knows but I lost the tip to my thumb bout 7 years ago and had a couple of surgeries to get it working again. It's hyper-sensitive so I have come accustomed to not using my thumb to do the simple things in life like tying my show or buttoning my pants Holding bolts to tighten down, wiring up speakers. Try going through the day without using your thumb and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Anyway, I'm gonna put up the kit and get back to it. It hella hurts to grip a stick and the vibrations really weaken my strength but it's something I really miss doing. Plus I didn't really gain weight till I became less active and a couple of hours knocking out some beats is one hell of a workout.

    Kingsuv you have a kit I didn't know you played? This is cool, I played professionally for 3 years before i got tendonitis in my right wrist from years of playing and sanding. Throw up a pic of your set. I'll get you a pic of my home set tonight when i get to the crib. Thats real cool man

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