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Posts posted by Chode69

  1. im 18 and i have no children (that i know of at least) but i will protect my Mom, Dad and my dogs at what ever cost. and if im at my sisters house i will do all i can to protect her and her new baby. if it gets to the point where i have to kill i will. im not a big person at all but bullets and knives or whatever is around that i can grab will do some damage.

    someone breaking into my vehicle will feel some pain if i get ahold of them. i will try as much as i can to from the point to where i would kill but if my life gets endangered to that point I WILL resort to it. i have no system like meades but i love it with all my heart...my truck is MY BABY and i will protect it like it is a family member.

  2. well im not looking to spend 500 dollars. i was looking at that one..i was going to wait til next year and jsut save up for it (i have the money now but i still wanna save and hold off)

    but i want one now and this looks like a good deal.

    what about this


    or this


    I REALLY like that last one

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