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Posts posted by mrwigglezdj

  1. spare tires ? wtf are those ?....

    lol i work in construction and run over screws, nails simplexs and metals all the time, i get a flat tire atleast once a month, i have no room for one of them "spare" tires in my van , but i do keep a tire repair plug kit on hand to fix my flats...

    but then again not everyone rides around in their car with a 5ga air compressor hose, air chuck , jack and tire repair kit lol :D

  2. x300  ii have 3 kids a wife and a girlfriend , and doing a system is extreamly hard on my bank account,and we cant forget the extreme cost of competitions and travel...but when it comes to stuff i need for my system i save my money, i dont go with the squirts up my butt and buy the cheaper stuff just so i can have it now, save up and get the better stuff so you dont want to change it out at a later time :^ :^ :^

  3. lol i have the same kind of trash where i live.. dam rednecks with a bunch of mustang 6.5's on the dash of their s10 runnin off a walmart amp just makein all kinds of shity noise playin country of all things....so ill wonder my gimply little ass on out side and ill pull my van in a differnent position so the front of my van is aiming towards them at a slight angle and ill put in my lil ole cd and ply peti paiblo vibrate on volume 26 of 35 and turn the sub control all most full titl and let it rip.... they hate it with a passion and even came over to request that i turn my "nigger" music down... funny thing is they would send their girl over to do the tallkin and then she would be sent back stopmin her feet cause i would tell er to go and f er self real good and to bring the law with her next them they have a request... lol just blare them out but dont make the mistake i did and have it so loud you make your girlfriends nicknacks fall off the shelf and have to tend with a pissed off woman lol  :^

  4. you will have to pay the remainder of the contract. which is x amount of months , so say you pay 300 a month, and agreed to have it for 3 years , thats a total of $10800 to pay for the 3 years, if you only keep it for 2 years then you will owe per the contract $3600 upon return of the car and any and all other fees that apply, the best thing to do is call the fiance company and check and see or the dealership where you orignaly got the car

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