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Posts posted by jonnylowkon

  1. ? wtf....

    u are never suppose to touch the probes...

    how are the subs actually wired...

    ur suppose to touch the probes together to test the leads for resisitance.. like my OTC DMM my leads have a resistance value of .24 ohms and thats with aligator clips .. anythng over .5 ohms and ur suppose to replace the test leads.... they do break down over time from flexing bud... its like a self check
  2. How much did DB-r quote for that repair?

    chris qouted:It will be at least $200, possibly $300. Just depends on whether or not the reason the power supply blew was a bad output section mosfet(s) or just a power supply transformer winding short (most likely, and would be $200 to repair). Would be $300 only if the power supply and the outputs are also blown. But it's likely just a tranformer winding short that blew only the power supply.... now thats customer service!! im glad to be a proud owner of... yes a blown sundown untill next week that is ..lol.. i cant wait to be impressed by this amp and a 100.4 sundown i have on the way also for my mids and highs amp
  3. average cost is 80-100 plus shipping

    rf t1k, t2k, t2k, t4k are some of the most expensive to fix at ~180-200... along with some other monster amps but either way i doubt its going to be more than 200 since he does alot of those refurbs

    he's always contacted me within 2-3days by phone or email... he almost always answers the phone/somebody does

    ive heard his customer service is unrivalled thats why im going all sundown amps ... nothing better than someone who cares about customers an not just a sale...
  4. paid 600 installed ...

    time spent at installers -2 1/2 hrs

    pros- cool easy to read lcd remote , 1/2 mile range in the city , 3/4 mile in the open country , will not grind starter if car doent start vehicle first start, will restart in 10 seconds, and lots accessoires for endless add ons, shock senseor is really good as in being sensitive enough to sense any body and glass tamperng but not to sensitive in being set off by decent systems going by , to this day still no false triggers, and i really like the paging feature in letting me know if the alarm was in warning, full trigger, door open , hood open, hatch open, and running in remote start,the paging feature can be set up for an annoying loud beep or several beeps or even just a vibrate option , also u can keep the vehicle running by just pressing the remote start button and pullin ur keys out without shutting off the vehicle and walk away and set the alarm to keep ur vehicle cool on those hot days or warm on cold days

    cons- short remote battery life- i use my remote start everyday and i get about a month to a month 1/2 to a battery. i figure small price to pay for knowing when to break bad on some low lifes ...other than that no others i can think of


    easy of use-9



    optional add-ons- 9



    paging -priceless in knowing when to break out the heavy artilary to protect ur hard work an hard earned dollar!!

    very good system i would highly recommend

  5. Why would you need to send a used one in? You're most cost effective bet is to buy a refurb. They're a good cheap price, are typically in near mint condition, and include a 1yr warranty (far better than any other refurb warranty).

    because it was strapped and he blew it .... im paying 250 for it and was just wondering cause i have been waiting for almost 2 months for this guy to get off this amp cause he has been on vacation so ive said if he isnt ready by monday (tomorrow) im just gonna get the refurb off of db-r and be a broke ass for the next two weeks
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