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Posts posted by Blue

  1. So the air is coming out of the bottom vents, just not the top vents. The panel on top of the dash on the driver side should just pop straight out. Can you take a pic of the heating tube so i can have an idea wat it looks like. I'll try to help you out as much as i can. My mom has an 98 expy, same body as yours, and i just recently had to take the dash apart to replace her heater core(not a fun job), and i think i know what tube you are talking about.

  2. yea, you are going to need some good cash to move down here. I know in my area rent is around 2g's a month(for a 4 bd, 2 bath house). and around 1200 for 2 bed apartment. But you cant beat the weather down here. Where i live you can go from the Beach, to the Desert, then to the Snow in a matter of hours.

    David you spelled it right. I think that it is funny you put that cause there is 2 citys said the same but spelled differently. Clairmont, near SD. Claremont, near LA. I have lived in Claremont for the past 12 years and now moving to San Jacinto.

  3. are you talking about the neon being a pain in the ass to work on? if so i disagree, i had a 96 97 and a 04, the hardest part to work on is the alt. other than that. there are parts for days. there is nothing to them. the most expensive part to replace is the cat converter my 97 had an obd2 and it was 400. the 96 is still being driven by my sister with 386,000 miles on original engine and transmission , the 97 i totaled at 297,000 and it was running fine. and the 96 my sister has still takes 20 23 max to fill it and its still getting 295+ miles to the tank. if your looking for a cheap get around gas saver is say go for a neon. they are all over for sale for 1k and less

    Well then i stand corrected. Its just that my sisters neon has had some many problems that i dont even want to go into. If you take care of them they are wonderful cars, just hers i hated working on due to her car always braking down, and at my house pretty much everyweek to have something fixed. She never took care of it. it is just junk now to me. The engine needs to be replaced due to the timing chain going out, and her running the car low on antifreeze and oil. it doesnt go in reverse anymore. and this is with a car with only 180,000. also the starter is kind of hard to get to also.

    Back on topic. Good job that you got the steering wheel fixed Drew, now you need to get everything elsed fixed on it, and make your way down to the yucca valley show so i can see your beast of a system. :drinks:

  4. That is a good deal on a neon. Just to let you know noob, them cars are a pain in the a$$ to work on. I dont believe there is a way to put a second alt on it. The factory alt is a pain in the arse to get to(need to take the front passenger tire off) and all the other little things. But, it would be easier to get parts for that car also, and probably cheaper to. If you need any help on it just let me know, i have pretty much done everything to hers except pull the motor.

  5. i have been thinkin about somehow (dont know if its possible) adding a train horn on the truck and wiring it to the alarm system for when it goes off and best of all the chirp chirp haha. i think that would be fun and i will definitly hear it if someone trys to get in.

    you should be able to wire a train horn into your alarm. I just installed a 120 psi ones on to my buddys truck. I believe all you have to do is take the wire from the alarm that goes to the seirn and redirect to the solenoid that activates the horn. I wanted to do it to his but we have jets that fly over our house's and his alarm keeps on going off.

  6. Indeed this sux. Its only been cool ( doesnt get cold here ) for a month, and out of no where a fuckin heat wave pushes us into the 80s :censored: I cant take another day without my a/c working

    I liked it better when i was in the extreme cold

    Well thats wat you get for living in palm springs, lol. My A/C hasnt worked since i started driving. So 2 years with so cal heat, no bueno, at least its not humid here. But i cant complain, im moving to san jacinto at the end of the month, so i'm gonna get a look at how hot it can really get.

  7. Thanks for the reply, i thinking im going to have to steal your idea on speaker placement if i dont do a power window setup. Good luck with the rest of the build, seems like everytime i save up to fix mine up more, things start breaking. Just recently had to use system money on a rebuild transmission, then again on replacing my timing chain(starting that next week), then on top of everything else, im moving at the end of the month.

    Again good luck with the rest of the build, and i'm looking for one of these :hairtrick: with that blow through.


  8. No speeding tickets here, knock on wood, but do have one accident though. I can't afford a ticket. I can barely pay for my gas as is right now. Hopefully when i move next month i can get a better job.

    I have only had one ticket. It was going across the country to school the first time. Socal to Pennsylvania. 100(cruise controled) in a 65. Thankfully it was Nebraska and the ticket was only 240....NOT BAD. Back here in socal a cop buddy said id likely have been taken in for reckless driving. Side story i also made it from Santa Clarita, Ca where Magic Mountain is to Vegas in 3 hours

    Now that was flying. Isn't that about 250 miles or so from your area??? I live about 180 from vegas and it takes me 2.5 hours doing 80-90 mph. You had to be doing 100+? Luckily you didnt get pulled over.

    Man its been forever since i have been to magic mountain. They still thinking about tearing it down?

  9. The nForce 2 is the chipset. The processor will probably be an AMD Duron or Athlon XP (nforce2 never supported Intel)

    Fortunately it has a couple of SATA ports so you can buy just about any hard drive and connect it up, as long as your power supply has the right connector - if not, there are adapters you can buy.

    Don't bother trying to install Vista on it, it will run like utter shit. Get Windows XP.

    Ok thanks for the reply. Thats wat i will do then. YEa its been so long that he has even fired it up, he doesnt rember wat kind of processor it has. Ill see how it goes tomorrow.

    Also i was going to put xp on it, i have a dell with vista and i really hate it.

  10. Sorry about the confusion. I guess I don't know as much as I thought. I don't live with my dad, so I have to get in touch with him. From opening up the computer it has an ABIT NF7 V2.0 board. It has a chip on it that says nVidia n force 2 on it. http://www.devhardware.com/c/a/Motherboards/ABIT-NF7-S-V2-0/ looks like the mother board that's in it.) Now that I think about it, I believe that it has a Pentium 4 processor. He bought it for gamming back in the day, but downloaded a bunch of viruses. He asked me to destroy the hard drive, and so I did, that is why I need a new hard drive. 500 GB cause I have some music and DVD's that I would like to put on the computer. Wont take up all of it at first, but will eventually. It will pretty much be a storage device for my music and DVD's, and go on the internet, no gaming.

    It is also not a name brand computer(dell, Gateway,...). He had someone else build it for him.

    Hope this explains the questions.

    Edit:link works now

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