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Posts posted by BulletInjection

  1. I heard its heading my way up in SC.

    I'm glad I got 4x4 right about now.

    4x4 did not seem to help those other guys out xD out of literally 20+ cars and trucks my ass was the only one to get up the hill. Beyond this clusterfuck I did not have too many problems but the roads were too warm earlier in the day so early snow fall iced up. Roads are closed now but we are going to be stuck indoors for 2 days now.

  2. Cold air can give you more SPL (on the meter), but not be as loud to the ear. I made a topic about this last winter. Warm up the subs before slamming them in cold weather, the spiders especially don't like sub-freezing temps.

    Where are the test results because I have come to find the exact opposite as you and its scientific fact that warmer air will create a better medium of transfer and more energy. And Colin goes up 2+ dB in warmer climates. Maybe we are all wrong though..... SCIENCE

  3. Some people are haters plain and simple. Speaking as a young black male who has experienced his share of racist run in's, this is the society that we live in. Steve thanks for bringing attention to this issue and getting that youtube page shut down. But lets just be real there will be another one just like it back up before you know it. I figure the narrow minded idiot who runs the site has nothing better to do with his life than hate on people of a different race. While I have a life, a career, a girlfriend, a bitchin car audio system, and other hobbies that dont allow me time to hate on those who have what I want. If someone is gonna hate on you that hard it lets you know that you are doing something right, and usually when they start talking that hate shit I just turn up the volume knob and drown them out with the bass.

    On another note Steve Mead if you read this I want to know if you still have your crossovers from your T1652-s.. I'd like to buy em from you. (or accept them as a free gift :pardon: )

    i got a ton of them......how many you need? shits yours bro i dont need your money. Im sorta on the couch right now with a sore body but when im back at it again ill go grab them up at my shop and ship them to you. How many you need?

    What are the cheapest crossovers you can recommend?

    Sensai just brute force it :P

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