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79 cutty

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Posts posted by 79 cutty

  1. Yeah that is the power distribution block. I have that already....been searching for the ground distribution block that matched that. It was in all clear plastic, a lot smaller. And then a gold block inside it with 4 inputs, and 1 output.

    My bad...I didn't pay much attention to the ad once I read teh topic for power distribution block and the picture was of the one I already had. But yes...that is the ground block I was looking for. Unfortunatley I missed out on the ebay auction so the hunt continues.


  2. I have been searching high and low for an old school ground distrobution block from RF. It was clear with a gold block and was in the shape of the old school 1997-2000 Power Series amps like the 250.2's and 1100.2's. I have one....but the plastic mounting piece has busted over the years. I have been searching to replace this for what seems like forever. I can get a picture of the actual block I am looking for when I get back into town....but it was the ground block that went along with this distribution block:


    Any help is greatly appreciated...or if you have one in excellent condition your willing to part with that would be even better!

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