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Posts posted by Neo_frog

  1. Did everybody miss the original point here? If he adds a second amp to his 1 amp/2 sub setup, chances are, he will hear very little difference in reproduction.

    Load distribution will be better across two amps and it will be more efficient, but he'll be halving the load (doubling impedance) on each amp yielding half the power from each.

    I'm assuming you're using D1s. So unless you're planning on running @ .5, you won't have a big difference.

    Or did I miss an important part of the story here?

    Torres: if you caught my comment that I quickly deleted, it's because I read the responses wrong lol

  2. Yes, the wiring is correct there. Sorry for the confusion.

    And as far as strapping, yes it's beneficial to the meter or RTA, but not really to the ear. As long as you tune both with an o-scope, then turn the higher one down to gain match with a DMM, you'll be fine.

    If all you're using is a DMM, then use manufacturer recommendations. You won't be getting full potential, but it will be clean.

  3. well thats why i did my research and got the universal optiondirol.gif

    and how reliable are those level control knobs?

    i see it comes with a 1 year manufacture guarantee but i dont like hassling with all the problems trying to replace or fix the thing

    They are pretty reliable. If you rip it apart multiple times like I did, you'll have some humming issues down the road, but as it stands, it's just a limiter to the preout signal.

  4. not funny but kinda. i really want to know why people think big subs only work for rap who started that? any bass guitar amp has big subs dont people think about that?

    I wasn't really trying to be funny. This is 100% true.

    It's also true, however, that a general trend of drivers is the larger the size, the lower the Fs. But this is misleading because it's not a rule, but a general trend. People easily misconceive something they heard from a buddy or a noob as cold hard fact.

  5. The best way to reduce your "average" rise across the spectrum would be to drop your nominal load as far as possible with efficient wiring (which will be negligible). Rise relies highly on motor force and mechanical compliance of the sub and acoustic properties of your box. If you're not willing to change these things (or even learn the details) then you are SOL.

    You could use a bandpass to control it, but you'd be making trade-offs with your final reproduction because you worried about something unimportant.

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