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Posts posted by Neo_frog

  1. The subs aren't bad for what they are, and nobody is nuthugging by telling you that they don't believe scores. Post up proof and show them up. Are you running modified ones or the stock Daytonas?

    I'm still waiting on this record though. If you're referring to a 171 back in 06, that's not a record.

  2. I know its tuned at 35hz and pretty sure it was used for burps by the previous owner.

    I think you got jipped. 35hZ tuning in a box for just burps is unrealistic with that equipment. Just set your SSF to ~30-32hZ and you should be fine depending on the signal you're throwing at it.

  3. I've made some ridiculous requests as well to test people's skills out. No shame in adding bass to songs that never had it.

    I'd pm BigPimpin or Decaf since they work on this stuff all the time. I believe there's quite a few others in the tune's section who are doing similar modification.

  4. Well remember that your box won't necessarily show the resonant frequency of the cabin. It will only show you where your cabin peaks based on the box response. Most of it is trial and error matching them up.

    Some have other test methods, but I've found that port shaving is the best to match up the peaks. Especially since a box vs a wall could yield significant differences in the peak due to the lack/excess of air outside the enclosure.

  5. The trick is minimal voltage drop. If you are playing music, then that's not going to yield the highest possible numbers. You would have to know at which frequency the pressure peaks in your car, play that frequency only for a short burst, then be done. Playing any more than that is useless.

  6. I would ask them to find your peak before competing. Most shops charge like $5 for an extra or pre-run. Run a sweep to find your peak, then run your peak tone when you compete.

    Just a note too, your peak changes when you open the door, so keep that in mind that you may have to run a couple sweeps at the same volume, one with door open, one closed, and take the higher SPL of the two to use as your burp in the respective orientation.

  7. Prefabs are tuned to 45hZ usually. There's nothing wrong with running one in a trunk since the minimal air space will help with cone control, but not enough to stop them from blowing from abuse.

    Honestly, if you want to save money, people will help you design it and it's much cheaper for one sheet of wood than a prefab box. But if you really don't want to venture there, then do it. There's nothing wrong with it.

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