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CR Boom

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Posts posted by CR Boom

  1. I use the port calculater on carstereo .com,,

    Here is some info from there.

    I can only find pvc in 6 meter lengths, mega dam $$$$ when I need under 20 inches.. so I'm going to stay slot with this box..

    square inches of port, for four of my woofa's

    31hz @ 149 in^2 long 15.2inch

    33hz @ 159 in^2

    35hz @ 168 in^2

    37hz @ 178 in^2 long 3.51inch

    But here is the thing, these numbers are way over our normal " per cubic ft req.... :pardon:

    Going on a bit of a rant, but I,am going to due some serious testing this next week with a one woofer box,

    with different

    cubic feet,

    port volumes,

    port freq's

    Hopefully this will help some one out, so there head isn't spinning like mine...

  2. Update had some water damage,,, so it finally made my lazy ass tear out my box....

    This box did a 147.6 at 2ohm,, and a 148.3 @ 1/2 burp...

    Pictures are of the glass braces, and pretty leds to ligt up the inside of the box.




    Out with the old, no lights and wires,, got rid of the wood braces, it has to help I hope...

    Going to add 45's to every corner also,



    remeasured box, after subs and port 10.16 ft :shok:

    and ported @ 30.25 HZ, inside of port 5 X 28.5 @ 17 total length

  3. Some pictures of a little water damage...

    This is how the story goes, I used i tube to transfer power and speaker wires between the cab and the inside of the bed in my blow thru, I got a 4 inch hole saw, that is actually 3.3/4.. so I sectioned a 1/'4 inch out of the pvc tube and made it work.. Well yesterday we had major rains. today I checked, have to remove the rear seat and holy shit problems,,, caused no electronic damage luckily....

    Moral of the story don't be lazy, do the shit correct,,,,, don't short cut...




  4. Yeah, they were checked with an Oscope, but, i was just reading another thread about using and not using the remote knob, and yes, i was using a knob, and i didnt put it in til recently. Could that have something to do with it? Oh, btw, they are still playing, just the bass is not as deep as they were, they sound like some 10's on like 400 watts now

    I would suggest un hook them, so you don't mess up your amp....

  5. What subs are going in it? The Wicked Ones are kinda outdated in this age of super stiff subs and crazy amounts of power. Plus it kills the rear wave which is no fun.

    Do a tapped horn if you want to play with wave guides and horns and phase alignment and all that good stuff. Simple, effective, much harder to get wrong :)

    Re -mx's

    Thanks guys from what I have heard, I will scratch this box, :angry:

    Thanks for saving me some time and cash.... :)

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