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CR Boom

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Posts posted by CR Boom

  1. For real the RE "SE" line I have absolutly nothing bad to say about them.. I have pounded them and for the money I think is the best deal out there.......YTou can find them cheap on line My suggestion is if he has limited funds get one "SE" now and the second later..

    Snake a T-line in there. you need as much amp either..

  2. I didn't respond at all to the "Steve Meade on blast" topic.... But things like this is why I believe your site is growing the way it is and is as popular as it is,

    If people would just STFU sometimes they may be able to learn something..lol..

    I was a guest on about everysite just observing, and this was the only site I signed up to..

    My opion may not mean shit to anyone, but this is just a way for me to spread some LOVE....Thanks again Steve...

  3. I think the clear winner in there is an american bass 500.1

    Any American bass amps will put the other amps listed to shame in corresponding wattage classes.

    1 american Bass 500.1 what is the power at 2ohm??? It is only fused at 400....

  4. I have 4 dual 1 coils. at 1600 rms each

    Option 1 each sub at 2 ohm

    Option 2 two subs at 1 ohm original set-up

    Option 3 all four at 2 ohm

    I'm in a situation with my shop, there is no replacements for the amps I have so I have store credit.

    I want to try Sundown, Diablo, sound digital, But I have Big $ in store credit and below is what they carry. Below are the choices..

    Please guys Let me know on the amps that you have experiance with. Or if there is something on here you want, and you have something used that I can use I will get the amp you want and trade..

    This are the amps I have to choose from:

    2 Brutis 2610 OPTion 2

    4 Brutis 2610 OPTion 3

    4 Fusion power plant 3000.1 option 1

    8 Fusion PP 3000.1 dual amp per sub

    2 Audio Pipe AQX3500.1 option 2

    1 American Bass VFL 200.1 option 3

    1 American Bass VFl 400.1 option 3

    1 American Bass VFL 500.1 option 3

    Remember option 3 is 2 ohm, don't want to spend the money on two VFL's

  5. I had the rca's pluged into the Maxx link wrong, 1 amp and 2 subs were at 0 phase, and the other amp and 2 subs were at 180.... That is why it sounded like total crap...

    got that fixed and then started testing , kept voltage no lower then 12.2V. and then pop, goes a amp, but it was the one that needed the higher sensitivity settings.

    Smoked the fets, the tech guy came in this morning and did a once over on the amp, When he checked the one way diodes in front of the caps, 8 of the 4 of them were showing a open circuit... unscrewed the Hold downs and they fell off the heatsink and board. All three leads were broken on 4 of the 8. Not burnt, Broken, it looks as if after they were soldered they broke when they were bent over...

  6. No I haven't changed the Electrical Wiring yet. Just got the subs in phase..

    I was resetting (Maxx link test tone) everything and found a problem with a amp... One amp needed the gain Turned up higher than the other to achieve the same out-put....

    Didn't think much about it, finished the rest of the install. Was doing some testing and nuked a amp... :angry:

    Brought in a electronics guy this morning to check it out. Found what he says is the root cause, it wasn't install error.

  7. Can you replace the 100a alternator with another mechman 250? with the two of them you will be fine also you can have him ship them to you (or tell you how) to bump the voltage to 15.3v output instead of 14.x. hit him up on a PM and he will get you headed in the right direction.

    It is at 15.3 already.

    Each Alt has a 1/0 going to the Front Buss bar.

    Amps are hooked to a Maxx Link, but not strapped, did that because subs share a common chamber..

    Voltage totally goes to shit as soon as I touch the volume...

  8. It really comes down to how you run the system.

    If you are going to rail it for short term or for burps then sure you will be ok.

    If you want to wang on it all day and the power requirements are greater then what the charging system will allow, then at some point you will will run low on juice.

    Adding more runs of power isn't always the solution. It really doesn't help to have enough wire to pull 1000 amps of current to the back of a car when all you have is a 300 amp alt. Sure it will cut down on resistance, but at some point it has little return on the investment.

    Thanks King, I was wish I could of at least burped this thing.. Sounds like time to spend some more Money..

  9. Ok here is the run down,

    2-us amps AX3200 DE draw 300 amps each

    Voltage at idle 14.9 goes up to 15.3 at 1500 rpm.

    IT Will not even think about powering both amps at 1ohm load. I changed the wiring config to run just one amp at 2ohm

    with the one amp at full tilt does not drop below 14.4 at the amp leads.

    1 stock alt 100 amps big three done

    1 Mech man 250 amp big three done

    1 battery up front 1000cca

    in the rear

    4 1000cca batts tied together with copper buss bar

    1 Kinetic 2400 tied together with 1/0

    thansfer is

    3runs of 1/0 power and ground to the rear battery bank

    Power is tied together with copper buss

    Ground is tied together at the same grounding poit as the big three with a 1/2 by 3 inch copper plate at the frame in the front.

    Is 350 amps of alt enough????

    More grounds, maybe to the rear frame???

    dual feeds of 1/0 for the alts, to the distribution point ????

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