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About zaytser

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  1. I will look into the stinger vinyl and also, I used the 3M 77 and it is terrible. I have heard on other forums that some upholsterers use MEK to remove the backing of the vinylbto stretch over compounds curves/corners, but I have yet to confirm this. I have searched google to no end for info on this subject and the best info I can get is to take it to an upholsterer. Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate.
  2. Hi there. I was just wondering if anyone has any tips on the proper vinyl to use to wrap door panels without getting wrinkles everywhere? I just recently took the plunge and took my door panels off of my 2003 Hummer H2 because the previous owner was ruff on them (kids hanging on them, kicking the garbage bins etc.). So basically there are cracks everywhere and I already removed the bins on the bottom since they were rattling. Last week I wrapped them using a fake leather vinyl with 3M contact cement and a steamer to help stretch it around curves and corners. But unfortunately over the last week the vinyl was lifting away from the door where I had stretched i and there were far too many wrinkles. So I tore it all off in defeat. Does anyone here know how upholsters do this properly with fake leather or ven real leather? My best guess is that they use very thin stretchy vinyl or leather that is much more easy to work with, along with a better contact cement and heat gun. Any links or tips you can pass on my way is greatly appreciated as I need to get this truck finished before winter hits. Thanks.
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