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Posts posted by BassAddict32

  1. Haha, jeez, that makes me paranoid.

    Do they try and use the lingo too?

    "Woah there Daddio, you out to agitate the gravel? Trip the light fantastic? A lil back seat bingo? Thats a pretty boss bent eight you got. Where you kids go to blow eachother off these days?"

    LOL! that's a new quote for me. :)

    EDIT: ohh and that's pretty sweet that he didn't ticket you and was cool about it.

  2. http://www.mcphee.com/shop/products/Bacon-Gumballs.html

    so they have all of those products PLUS! a bacon flavored lube. lol. now, is it just me or would anyone else try some of that stuff or get some of it? bacon kinda makes me JIZZ IN MY PANTS!

    EDIT: new link too!


    now how many people thought of that song when i said that? :P

  3. My wife still wants to eat for some reason :01nocomment8so:

    LOL! yea, darn her eating! my girl wants Micky D's for homecoming. it's something that her and all her friends do so we're going there. i told her i can't keep taking her to these nice places. :P

    but really, it's hard to get things going. and i'll have him check out that website. it seems pretty nice. but i'd like to get a job but things are hard trying to get school going and whatnot. things will be better i'm sure. :)

  4. so how many people are still having money issues? and how many have had problems keeping/building a system? grant it, i'm 16 with no job yet but i still have NO money. like my mom is up for it and whatnot and is TOTALLY willing to pay for my stuff but we have no money. and it doesn't help my stepdad got laid off from uhaul. GAH! it's so hard to get things going! but how many have no heat? little food? no gas?

    i was just wondering and hoping it's not just my family. :(

  5. The Audiopipe, far and away. I've had an amp from the same factory in pieces and they're decent, cheap, slightly nasty in some minor ways but decent and they'll do close to the power they claim.

    The Cadence... They claim 2x150 @ 4 ohms and 2x300 @ 2... how's that supposed to work, you lose efficiency big time dropping down to 2 ohms on a Class A/B amp.

    Audiopipe for sure.

    alright. looks like i should have an audiopipe around Christmas time. :D

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