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Posts posted by BassAddict32

  1. Your not "TAGGED" hypoglycemic cause your skinny. All that means is that your blood is low on the sugar content. I have seen SEVERAL FAT ASSES that are hypoglycemic. You just have a faster then normal metabolism. How old are you? Typically once you hit the 25 and up era, metabolism usually starts to slow down, then all those sugars will stay put, and you wont be bragging anymore LOL.........

    well idk. all i know is it's what my dr. told me. :) but i'm 16. my real dad was skinny until like 40 so i may be like him.

  2. Shit im what you call a little bit of a big guy lol my friend is hypoglycemic it seems like we go to hardees for lunch and then she always wants to go back like 2 hours later lol

    YES! that's SO me. my girlfriend is the opposite. she is HYPO. she needs to eat healthy stuff for some other odd reason, idk. so we're opposite and it's hard to eat that way, but mmmmmmm!! i can't keep my hands off food.

  3. yeah im like u i have a fast metabolism i guess? but i wight 179.5 pounds before i started eatin hella meat drinkin milk and hittin the gym everyday i still look skinny but inside of me is a fat person "no homo" i eat so much its not even funny but still hard to get bigger u know what i mean

    edit: im 6'1 and i play a LOT OF basketball

    LOL! loved the no homo quote. but i'd love to gain some muscle.

    ha im 6'1" and weigh 260, but im a chubster but still muscular. Sometimes its good being big man people dont mess with ya.

    Ill trade you the hyper thing for my love for food lol

    well i'd love to have some meat to me. people aren't scared of me at all. :( i mean, i could go off and hit someone if i felt like it, but people aren't scared so it does no good to say "i'll hit you!" and idk. i love food, but i pass out if i don't eat enough. :( bad thing.

  4. so you know how some people say they feel like a woman/man trapped in a mans/womans body? well i feel like i'm a fat man stuck in a skinny persons body! i'm 6'1" and 120LBS. i'm what they call hypoglycemic. i burn my sugars and whatnot faster then normal so i don't gain weight. it's cool until the point where i pass out. :( but is anyone else like me? eats and eats but never gains weight? like i just had 3 pork chops and i'm eating a thing of icing with sprinkles in it. :) i should've been fat.

  5. i guess im the only one that thinks the dude was bein sarcastic lol

    no, i think he was high. he does like 3 different kinds of drugs and whatnot so he isn't the brightest. but some of those stories made my LOL so hard. great stuff guys. but yea, i don't think that it a good way to stop from getting pregnant. OH! put your penis in a bottle and do it that way, like a condom. :)

  6. so my mom works on a bus for corrections kids. well this kid told my mom that he isn't afraid to get his GF pregnant because he is drinking mountain dew. :blink: umm yea. i've heard of it lowering sperm count but even that's not true.

    same with people that think sex is okay in a pool because the sperm floats to the top of the water. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: all i can say is wow. just wow.

    btw, the kid that said that, he's like 16 or 17.

    EDIT: ohh and unless he's having sex with bottle, he can get her pregnant. :)

  7. lol seeing as it already had a bootleg copy of windows when u bought it, thats pretty sketch, you shoulda reformatted it when you bought it and installed the genuine version of windows on it....also pretty sketch that the previous owner didn't reformat before sell either, he obviously didn't know wtf he was doing.

    lol. well my stepdad had it, lost the windows CD and when he had a guy put it on, he was an idiot. so my stepdad just gave me this one for temp use until i get my new one.

  8. sorry to sound so demanding but i do need help. i have another computer. it's a compaq. it has a illegal version of windows because whoever put it on was an idiot. so i plugged it in and had my wireless mouse it and it wasn't picking it up. so i moved it and BAM! it stopped. now no mouse will work, and at the welcome screen, it says to resolve the problem now or resolve later. problem being that it isn't a genuine version. so i can't move my mouse because i have no driver and i can't get past the welcome screen because i can't click either or tab or anything. so what do i do?

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