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Posts posted by BassAddict32

  1. noooo dont build that. i clicked the pic and right away i can tell your port is way to thin. you want it a lil wider and not as tall to prevent port noise from the box. you want to keep the port ratio 1:8 of width to height. tho i try to stay a lil lower, around 1:6 ratio

    soooo........can you tell me how to do all of this?

  2. like i wanted to get 2 10" pioneers from walmart and make a box for each one. they will be seperate because they're going on either side of my computer. now it says ported box volume: 0.90-1.55 cu. ft. how would i figure all that out? i have someone making a box design for me but i'm just curious so i can make one for myself one day.

  3. lol Probably not even their models, and the photos are badly photoshopped.. The ladi isn't even really holding those speakers... Look at the speakers, they are EXACTLY the same....

    yea, i could tell that. but those subwoofers look about as good as your avatar! :D

    and IA has some hot chick on their front page.

  4. You know you need a life when: you make topics titled "You Know You Need A Life When:"

    you know, some of these are like thrown at me for making this thread, but some people don't seem to mind. so i don't care when you throw em back at me. i just kinda laugh. :)

    You know you need a life when hey look, a picture of a speaker!

    You know you need ADD medication when mmmmmm donuts.

    LOL! i like ADOL. it means Attention Deficit OHH LOOK! :D

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