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Posts posted by BJD3

  1. well i have 2 ipod touches.. both 8gigs. one of them is beat down music and other is all music i like.. and the problem is the one with all the music i like.. it is completely filled with music. no apps on it except the 1s that come on the ipod. but heres the problem.. anytime i play music it goes back to main screen and it wont play full songs.. its fucking annoying

    1st, thanks for saying iPod Touch. iTouch gives me the heebie jeebies.

    Have you updated at all (I know you iPod Touch folk have to pay for updates). Has it always done this or is it a recent occurance? If you've updated to 3.0, do you have shake to shuffle on?

  2. huh?. i'm not building it in the trunk. if i could, trust me, i pry would, but no, i'm done with everything, now i just need to give it a resin coating on iside, then gets carpet and vinal tomorrow.


    I think what he's asking is if they will be attached in the trunk, or if they will remain two loose boxes that will just be pushed together.

  3. 3. Since Im getting a nice car and since its rather pricey, The car needs to be a 4 cylinder and the smallest engine they have, that way insurance is cheap. *With this, pretty much cuts out any luxury car*.

    If that's the case, I'm trading my Park Ave. for a Lotus Elise.

    I'm skeptical about buying gm or Chrysler right now. They sold their souls to devil when getting bail out money. Now Gm and Chrysler are Bankrupt and the government is going to create some crappy car in the upcoming future.

    And Angel, I have no idea how install a spoiler on my car :P


  4. I have an idea, and I think it would work, but I'm not 100% sure. Heck, I don't even know if it is safe. Granted, this is just trying to find where the problem is, not necessarily fixing the problem.

    Turn the system on, then go to the amplifiers and one by one, pull RCAs. If the noise goes away, you know it is in the RCAs forward. If it remains, it's in the amplifiers backward. From there, you can go about swapping items to see if that changes anything.

  5. id say the 850 watt should be fine. if you have the money for a 1000 watter id go with that though.

    I concur. Especially if you are even considering upgrading this rig in the future. I don't remember where on the internet I read it, but One guy said very few computers need 1000 watt PSUs. But he hasn't built one without one. The numbers manufaturers say the GPUs (as well as other components) pull are max numbers (From what I've read, not sure if this is 100% true though). They rarely ever pull that kind of power, especially if what you are doing most of the time is just regular computer duty, and not a/v editing or gaming.

    Another thing I read is do not skimp on a PSU. Quality of power is everything. Corsair is a good brand from everything I've seen.

    EDIT:Can I have the model number of the monitor?

  6. you need tri channel memory either 3 or 6 should be fine i suggest 6

    I was about to say that.

    If you're only going to be running 2gigs of memory, the rest of the system is a bit of overkill IMO. Especially if you don't plan on upgrading it in the future. In which case, I suggest waiting until you can save up the extra $50 or so to get at least three gigs.

    Also just as a heads up, since you're running a double wide GPU, be sure you have clearance. I don't know for sure if it will, and I don't feel like looking it up. :lol:

  7. stump/tree post/sign post are all gone, grass is all full and green, shaved badges/shaved door handles

    Is that all you did?

    Looks pretty good

    You missed the date stamp, but yeah. I may decide to toss some wheels on later, but that will require looking for good looking rims, then looking for them at this angle, and I just don't feel like doing that much work. :lol:

    Open the pic, hold ctrl and scroll up... hmm

    Nice tryed but to good noticable whats changed.

    Photoshop will do the trick and u dont have to spray paint the badges and handles to let them dissapear.

    But for a non-ps it looks ok :)

    I really messed up the grass to the point of being obvious, but I think for just the casual look (ie you aren't looking for photo edits) It came out decently. Could it have been better? Most definitely, but would the time invested be worth the payoff is my question.

    Speaking of payoff, Photoshop is expensive. For someone who is just f'n around, I definitely couldn't justify that purchase. lol Though torrents are pretty cool...

    And after rereading this, I find I'm coming off kind of gruff and defensive. That definitely isn't my intention. I'm just saying I don't find the payoff to be worth the investment.

    lol notice that he removed the POST but left the reflection on the trunk of the car but definatly looks good for not photoshop :clapping:

    I noticed that after I was finished. With it covering the third brake light, I still can't figure out how to fix it short of copying the other side, and pasting a reflection of it. :shrug:


    Thanks for the compliments doods.

  8. is a fucking rip off, I pay all this god damn money to them and get my shit stolen once and even have the coverage for aftermarket in my truck and still they tell me im only getting the 1000 dollars standard to put it back to stock, Fuck that, thats fucking bullshit, Progressive insurance is a fucking rip off they have lost my business and all of my familys as of today, I provide them with pictures and reciepts and it takes them almost a month to figure out that they are gonna rip me the fuck off, fuck that, so anyone with progressive insurance, i wish you luck bcuz they fucking fail at covering shit, They can take thier insurance and shove it up thier lazy fucking asses. And to my agent you lazy non-calling back mother fucker i ever meet u in person im shoving my size 13E up ur stupid ass.

    I sympathize...but I'm sorry, I thought this post was funny as hell.

    Getting your shit stolen and then not getting the money from insurance sucks, but look at the bright side, at least you now have a reason to rebuild.

    And I agree with David, look at your policy, and then sue the holy living shit out of them.

  9. 08'-09' 250 ninja's are nice. But I'd get a older 600- zx-6,gsxr, yzf, or cbr. You'll get tired of the 250 or 500 in a year and you'll be looking for something bigger. Just buy a 600 and take it easy on it until you get really use to it.

    I don't personally ride, but having looked into it a while back, I have to say this is good advice. Every time I talk to someone who is into motorcycles, not just sport bikes, but cruisers and touring bikes (especially cruisers though), I keep hearing get what you really want and learn to ride that. You'll get the absolute basics down, but you'll still be moving to a relatively unfamiliar bike in the future anyway when you think you know what you are doing. I know and know of several people who got 1300s thinking they didn't know enough to get something bigger, but before the year was up, they were trying to get out from under it.

    OTOH, I know of a few people who got huge bikes, and they downsized and found riding more "fun."

    I decided after I got into my fender bender that I don't pay enough attention to what's going on to be riding a motorcycle. lol

  10. I got one for you.

    With hard drive enclosures, Do you suggest actively cooled, or just an aluminum case? I'm seeing two different answers. Personally, knowing what I know about hard drives (basically heat is the number one enemy), one that just radiates heat is good enough, and will serve it's purpose well, but one that's actively cooled would be overkill unless you're constantly reading/writing.

    The main thing that keeps popping up in my head though is when a hard drive is in a computer case, there are fans all throughout the case. And while I understand you have more heat producing items in a computer than just the hard drive, *shrug*

    Basicallly, I just want an outside opinion.

  11. Yeah we have a couple of bonanzas here,there nice,good for 160knots.and dam a 747. .why you have to go and debow me like that?lolthats awesome!

    sure is!

    yeah skydiving is a motha,when your in the plane and you scoot to the edge and your feet are dangling over the edge and you look down and everything is like little ants under you,you ask yourself, why in the fuck am i fixing to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?lol and when you jump man its ADRENALINE heaven. .shits wide open!

    I LOL'd. Skydiving is something I'd want to try, but I think that after I get into the air, I'd chicken out.

    You make me mad! Sick ass hoe, AND you get to fly a plane. I'm coming to MS.

  12. lol. yes, yes i know. this topic was about running 2 12"s, but i might as well answer that.

    yes, i change my idea. i was with DC for awhile but then i started looking into DD. grant it, it will run me abit more then the DC but DD is pretty good. and i figure, they make amps and mids/highs and subs, so why not just do my car in DD??? it'll take a couple years to get my truck done. hopefully i'll have it started by the end of this year. and yes, 4 DD 9515's. i want to try for a XL tahoe but if not, i might do a suburban or i'll just take the 2nd row seats out of the tahoe and just put 6 9515"s in. :D either way, this idea sounds pretty good to me.

    now, back to the topic on hand. amp for 2 12"s stated in a post above would be nice. if you would like to say anything about what i want to do for a larger system or anything, please PM me.

    I'm not following. What exactly do you mean by "XL Tahoe"? Yukon XL=Suburban. Yukon=Tahoe.

    Maybe I'm just misunderstanding? :unknw:

    EDIT: Or are did you mean to say a Yukon XL?

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