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Posts posted by BJD3

  1. Steve Should chime in.. I really don't know how much difference it is in strapping the Rockford Amps Vs the American Bass amps, But im thinking that he had to go through the same process.

    If I understand how Rockford amps work, you set the gain on the master amp, but you still connect speakers to slaves like individual amps.

    Am I correct about this?

  2. So far on all the sites everyones been agreeing with him. I'm trying to find someone to debate with on it, haha.. I mean, is there a downside to taxes being raised on the mega rich?

    They have to decide whether or not they want to buy a house or a Maybach.

    Seriously though. The main thing they say is some riff of how they worked for their money, why should they be penalized for making more money that most people. And while that POV holds some water, while I don't think they should be taxed so heavily they make the same thing I do, they should be paying taxes at a higher percentage.

  3. small charger on a bank of batts lol what i wanna do when i get a house with like 4 18's off the 9k if i ever get bigger amp :drink40:

    I have a feeling pro audio amplifiers would be cheaper. EDIT:Though, you're in Australia. Pricing is wonky over there.

    I'm planning on using a power supply to power a head unit and amplifier, but that's because I want portability, and my power requirements are lower.

  4. High energy ones said Hv165mids with xover then obviously dd tweets

    old school isnt as pretty=]

    Whole heartedly disagree.

    Linear Power? PPI Art Series? Orion?

    Dude, old school amps are secksy as hell.

    And this is coming from a 20 year old noob.

  5. Sounds like you're wired wrong tbh. With an XS D5100 on a T1000.1bd @ .7 ohms I drop to high to mid 12s. So no voltage drop with just a 3400...idk about that.

    Completely stock electrical and an M1a and I have no voltage drop...

    EDIT:To be fair, I have a bit of light dimming on things like bass kicks (I'm in need of the big 3), but on sustained notes, nothing.

  6. Amp



    Should be right around the same price.

    Go buy a sheet of 3/4 inch MDF and build a box. I'd avoid a prefab if at all possible.

    Yes, I've had this budget build planned for quite some time. I've just never had anywhere to put it.

    EDIT: I'd like to point out, there are many, many different variations of high output, low cost systems. This is just one example.

    And likely one of the most common on this site.

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