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fischy fisch

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Posts posted by fischy fisch

  1. the car is a 2005 toyota corrola 4 dr with 2 12splw in a 5cu. box .2 displacement one a 5500d bamf and the 24 is when it get the tl im looking for a cheap tl dual sensor if any one got one but for being in the trunk i cant do much i have no room left like 2ftx 5in

  2. use liquid nails for your glue and go with 2in screws get them in fine thread because drywall and mdf are close to materal (as in there both compressed dust ) the fine will be better in not blowing out the mdf (pre drill)and holding the mdf to geahter coarse thread are made for wood not compressed dust coarsed hold better on wood (mdf's not wood)

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