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fischy fisch

18+ All Access!
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Posts posted by fischy fisch

  1. Yeah i know what you mean and im not using it as a crutch, just wanted that you guys know my age :unsure: . I know 17yrs old can be skilled too :) (Im lucky because my father is really into this build and he helps and teaches alot with the wood work)

    And yes, im going to fiber glass inside the box and make it smooooth :)

    cool but ya its great if your dad helps and teaches a few thing my dad still helps me with my build and just to throw it out there i turned 18 in march

  2. Yes DD does and they just came out with a 5 1/4" high end driver too. I don't think they have that special low note you are looking for though. I've never heard Hertz but Rainbow is excellent. I would really push going for a larger driver though. I'd say 6.5-7" would be perfect. Rainbow or Dynaudio FTW.

    2x on the bigger drive it would help so much

  3. Update this thread with what you find. I also peak at 39hz.

    will do you need to help me out with your finding but im not sure where it peaks at but get silly by soljia boy and v.i.c sound really good in my shit (cant stand the song but had a girl want to hear it and i was like damn )

  4. thats right :spiteful: i went with DC over DD on last build cuz i was told DD was not very good as a Daily driver ???

    dd are very good for daily im running a 9518 in a 05 toyota corrola and its fucking bad ass the only thing i have with dd is if you tune them lower that 33-35hz the get kinda muddy but dd are amazing for daily the big thing with dd is like the 9518 says on dd site it needs 6cu but if you talk to them they will tell you if really need 7.5 they need a bigger box than what it says for them to be the best and another thing with dd is like the 9500 series it has a 1500 rms but it will take 4k on daily no problem i have like 6 people i know running 6k on them and im getting ready to do the same

    edit:well if you have no budget i would get a blazer and wall it with 4 9515's or 2 9518 or 12 9512 and give them as much power as you can

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