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fischy fisch

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Posts posted by fischy fisch

  1. This might sound dumb... But once you build in a truck... how do you get the box out... just start cutting away?

    build the box so it fits in the door way if there not enuff room build it in the car and when you have to take it out use mr. saw

  2. just stuffing your doors full of speakers does not necessarily mean it will sound good

    i know we want sound quality there but its not number one but close to it the whole point of this is to roll up to a party and be the dj kinda if you get what im say but its also to make people sick in side i know its stupid but something we want to try

  3. even so, that's going to be like putting 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. Good luck on your mission.

    ahahhahahaahaa :rofl: i know but this project is over kill now we got one dd9518 in a 4 door corrola with 4k comming soon and after that 2 of the 9518 on 8k plus all the mids and highs we can fit

  4. so for those of you that have had a problem with this.... how do you keep your mirror from falling.... what glue do you use...

    i glued mine up a week ago with the professional strength mirror glue and sure enough it fell off today during a 50hz burp..... what is the best thing to use on it.... i dont want the damn thing to fall anymore!

    leave it off thats the best lol but ive allways used super glue because ever time its come off with me it take glass to but use some rubbing alcohol first to make sure its clean

  5. im getting ready to build a enclosure for 4 12in l7 and i want to do a 2nd baffle but i want the second one to be flush with the subs what is the out side dimension of the 12in l7 im waiting for the subs to arrive anyday now but i can finish my box inless i have the outside dimension does any one have them

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