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Posts posted by sodfamily

  1. I have done alot of reading on this subject and asked a shit ton of questions to alot of people before we built my box. (Thanks Chris) Here is a couple of pics of it. We used a basic rectangle box with a angled front that follows the angle of the back seat. This allows me to put the seat back in and still be able to play that BOOM BOOM POW... :spiteful: We cut out the big section of the bottom to allow us to fiber glass the tub into the box to add additional volume to the box and still have room for all the equipment in the trunk. Both 15's and the port are forward, with port on driver side. we ended up with about 7.75 cubes after displacment and tuned to about 31-33.. We have added additional braceing so tuning has changed a bit. I would highly recommend sealing off the trunk. Best 10 dollars I have spent on the whole build. ( exspanding foam FTW)

    I personnally have not had any issues, in fact right out the gate we got a 149.4 (not offical) back it up in comp with a 149.2.








  2. Id want something with a little more than 1000rms...maybe the Fi BL 15"s...how much can you push to those subs?

    I have two 15's on a sundown 3000 and if my clamp is correct they are getting about 1500 a piece. That is running the 3000 at .5 and having a box rise around 2.7, so just shy of 3000 at 3ohms. They can take it but i can easily bottom them out.

    Just my experience with the BL's. I also play them hard as F*CK so that could also be part of it..

  3. Here is a couple shots of my buss bars..



    We used copper and drilled and tapped all the hole. That way we could put the bolts in it and then just slide the connections on and nut them down, that way we only had to to use one wrench. I am sure that you could do the same with aluminum, just need to drill and tap them to the correct bolt size.

    As far as securing them to your vehicle, i am unsure. My bars where glued and screwed to MDF. Maybe make a bottom plate out of MDF and secure that to the vehicle and them the bars to it..

    Good luck man.. make sure to get pictures of what ever you do..

  4. Stereo One back in the day was a very good shop. I mean back in 92-94. I went to high school there and did a lot of talking with them about set ups and just BS also bought a lot of stuff there. Sorry to hear they have gone down hill.

    I go back every so often to visit with family and friends next time I am around I'll hit you up and give you a demo. I don't have a lot but it manages to get me by for now.

    There was another shop in town I cant remember the name of it off hand but he seemed to move locations all the time, but was a very cool dude, started it out of his garage and them got some store fronts... His name was Gaylord something. Odd name I know but a cool cat. May take a look to see if he still has a shop up and running.

    Also check out midwestspl's web site they are a local organization that puts on comps in Ar, Mo, OK, KS, IA.. There season is done for the year but may be something to look at come next year.

  5. I to want to get a loud as hell trunk also. SUV have so much room and they are easier in my eye to get loud.

    I have 2 15" BL's in the trunk of my 4 door Cierra and I was pulling 148-149's on burps.

    But I have also been kicking around the idea of going to 12 12's and walling it off. This would push a shit ton of air and get crazy loud so that is why I am thinking about this. Or maybe 4 15's.

    If you got the 12's I would start there, get as much out of them and then and then make up your mind..

    The 6 10's should push a lot more air then the 2 12's would and get louder, I would assume.....

  6. Well I just got my stuff installed (temp for now) to be able to hit the last comp of the year here in Midwest. I have a complete build log that will com later once everything is trimmed out and I can get all the pictures on at one time with out a lot of chit chat between them.

    But for know here's the pics of the comp..

    This is me pulling up to the lanes to do my qualifying runs. We are allowed 2 runs and me being a dumb ass I needed both of them.. You see I pulled up got the car ready and had at it. Well I was kinda getting worried because I was only getting about a 140 and I know I should be a lot louder then that. Well come to find out I ran mu first run with no gain, so I opted to do my second run right away.. Ended up pulling a 146.5 on music..





    My score is on the left


    So now that i have the qualifying rounds out of the way I had to wait till they set up the brackets. So a couple of hours later it was announced we had 8 in my division. So I pulled up to find out I had a first round bye, guy either wasn't there or got scared of the Cerria.. :D So I pulled around and waited for round two.. OK so round two came and I was up against a Expedition. Now this guy was parked about 6-8 spots down from me and was banging the hell out of his system and it was loud as HELL.. I was a little worried..Well I made up my mind that in the final rounds I was gonna burp and not do music.. So we get the Ready - Set -Go and I gave him a 4 second burp at 36Hz and what did I get... WELL MY SCORE IS ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE...


    Thats right 149.2...I was stocked to say the least.

    So now it comes down to the final run.. All or nothing...First place on the line...And another SUV pulls up. This time it is a Hummer. No idea whats in it, at this point in time I could care less.. I was in a zone...So we get the Ready-Set-Go and I go with a 35/36/37burp and pull a 148.9


    Not to mention this guy in the hummer was trying to get everything out of his ride he could.. RPM's had to have been around 5-6000..

    So all in all I had a great time. Team members where there to help out and give support and I got a trophy..




    So you ask what was I running.. Check the Sig its all there...

  7. Mine is set up subs forward ports forward. I had to cut out a lot of metal just to be able to be my box in the trunk. Also fiber glassed my spare tire well to get the space i needed. My seat dose not fold down but the brackets allow me to set the seat in place if I allow back seat drivers.. Couple of pics below




    Not finished yet. Haven't made up my mind if I was gonna seal or not. I was doing some testing and with the trunk open and front driver door open I was hitting some hella numbers.

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