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Posts posted by Red-navi-916

  1. its a cool video and defiantly not cool enough to be posted in the wrong section.p.s dont apologize to me i can care less im just saying lol

    Is this really the wrong section? I would have guessed that this is exactly where to put it.

    "Off Topic - Random, Misc posts - the forum "Junk Drawer"

    So where would the right place be?

    BTW the dude w/ the pvc was AWESOME!

    191 posts and u still odnt know the forum tsk tsk tsk

    here try this link


  2. just make it sound as innocent as you can,, as if you werent breaking the law, in the rules of every school it does say do not share medication of any kind with students. so yes you are guilty and you might get a fine but just depends if the judge got laid the night before or not..

    edit: i got suspended for a pipe and also had court and i had a 250 dollar fine and 5 day suspension

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