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Posts posted by audiogod9000

  1. Mine is prob like EVERYBODYs on this site

    My phobia is getting my system jacked out of the ride while im asleep(im a heavy sleeper to), but good thing i have a jeep cuz you can't left a 60lb-100lb box up over the seat that easy, cuz i park the hatch right at a wall so they can't open it.


    Sorry about the Quality , my Cam HATE night time picz,lol

  2. It's from about three weeks ago, I'm in ok right now. But we did get a bunch of snow here yesterday and the day before.

    With a truck, Just putting some subs in a box looks bad compared to doing it in a car. IMO, It's pretty loud,Cam as always, Does no justice. Amps everything are in clean, Just need to move the subs.

    Oh iight,lol thats how east texas looked yesterday(lil worst tho)

    And True True

  3. No disrespect to Fi(there one of my fav brands) , But they do take for ever to get what you ordered (1 week build time , 1 week shipping, And possibly 1 week for them to actually ship it)

    I don't think they have a Number (they have it , but don't give it out, because they would be answering phones all day and not building subs) Just wait 1 more week , and if he hasn't got it or a Tracking # , then have him Email them) , And about the whole border thing , you never know, the border can be a pain in the butt some times.

  4. Get a account on www.Photobucket.com or www.Imageshack.com (i like Imageshack better it keeps the Quality good) and copy the photo's link and click the ''Insert Image'' on here(the tree lookin thing beside the Smiley) and paste the link there.

    And Nice! can't wait to see the pics

    Edit: or just use the img < Without the space at the [/

  5. There 2 ohm subs right? so they can be wired at one ohm that amp puts out 1000 x 1 at one ohm, so there you go...

    You do understand what you just said right? He HAS 2 D2's you cant wire 2 D2's to 1 ohm

    Its not the 'Best Amp' but it does the power that yall need @ 2ohms


    Edit: Darn it wL<3bass said it first :(

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