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Posts posted by sphinxbccp

  1. im. am. crying. dude i cant stop laughing!!!!

    edit: my stomach hurts hahahahaha

    the first part kills me .....and everytime he messes with his glasses hahahahaha and when they say drunk hes facial expression ahahahahaha

    I know, The fixing the glasses part just makes it that much funnier!

    So thats what happens when you mix Jack Osborne and Patton Oswalts DNA...

    Pahaha :rofl:

  2. For your first question... suicidedoors.com is a great site to get stuff from...

    As for the second part...

    Not so easy, to lay out on 22s/23s you need to notch your frame(which means no more backseat), pie cut your control arms (or buy new ones that lay 22s), remove inner fenders and relocate everything thats attached to them, and depending on if you do a 3 link or 4 link theres alot of work/fabrication that goes into that also, its funny that you asked this because 2 years ago when i got my 03 blazer i asked the same question, i got a similar answer, the best advice i got though was to go to s10forum.com and start reading, over the last 2 years even though my blazer hasnt been bagged yet i now know all that goes into it, its not really something you can just decide to do one day, ALOT of planning will need to be done first, sorry for this story of a response but i hope it helps.

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