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Posts posted by BeatBox

  1. Also if its not the Ballast then its definitley the Relay.. Relay's are known to go bad too and have the same issue as a bad Ballast going out with one bulb being on, or both not turning on..

    Just replace it with another 5 pin Relay..

    Mine has gotten water in the relay before, and then the HID's wouldnt turn on. went to autozone and just bought a new one and they where good to go!

  2. I work at DISCOUNT TIRE and its partially true....

    Heres the deal, the reason they say it could mess up your transfer case (all AWD vehicles) is b/c if you have different "thread" left on your tires or different size tires, the computer will send more power towards on tire more than the other. And over time it could damage you transfer case.

    Its alittle hard to explain, but personally I think its BS, ASLONG as they are the same size tire and on the same axle there should be a problem.

  3. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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    :8) damn thats a fast Civic!!-------->

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