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Posts posted by BeatBox

  1. lol yeah, cuz i knew you had a GA.. but never seen you over there.. lol

    i'll prolly end up running some kicker maybe even monster RCA cables, possibly rockford.. whatever i can get the best deal on for the best quality

    i cant haz wal-mart shiz in my system, it'll take away lyke, 100 dBs

    ^^^^^ Rule #1 you dont buy stuff for you car/audio where you can buy groceries :nea:

    As far as the decks go, i like to run Pioneer only. But outta the two alpines i would go with the first one (CDA-105)

  2. all i know is ive been on this site for over a month and didnt think much of it until i started looking at the build logs. and was just amazed. ill never have the money to do all that ive seen . but it aint about how much money you got. its just the enjoyment of doing the install itself. and if you have haters fukkem. keep doing what ya doin. because apperently you done something right. and now i want to put 18's in my truck. shit ill just photoshop the subs and build a wall in my truck and just tape the pics to them.

    LMAO :rofl:

  3. Ill help you out, im kno the feeling lol im making mine right now, i looked everywhere and til the guy that designed my box told me. go to homedepot and look in the nuts/bolt isle. i got mine yesterday. they run like $5 for 3/8in and like $8 for 1/2 threaded rods. Good luck. Im about to work on mine tonight!

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