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Posts posted by troy

  1. ive told a many ppl about them you cant go wrong with kicker cvrs.

    you can get a pair of 12s for 150 and a pair of 15s for 100 bucks more i believe from ebay.

    get a kenwood 9004d??? for about 150-60 from ebay

    and get a knu wire kit.

    this will give you a decent amount of power to enjoy and play with but also give you a chance to learn what works and what doesnt until you decide to move on to something bigger and better.

  2. i just had a flat tire today bout 30 min from my house. i got a 1998 pontiac grand prix with a trunk full of beat. but my spare and jack and everything is in my trunk under my box. damn. so im in the mall parking lot takin my 2 hx2 15s out of the box so i could get the box out and a cop rolls over to me and just kinda stares me down and says i hope that wasnt you bumping in the parking lot a few min ago. and i just kinda smile and keep working. ok long story short after like 45min of takin everything out i get my spair out put it on and put my whole system back in and head out for my 45 min drive home on the weenie tire. TODAY SUCKED

  3. yea they are illegal where we live too. i made one once and we were shooting golf balls out of the one i made with right guard spray deodorant. and eventually the cops show up and tell us that we made something bad and we should hide it immediately. he was cool about the situation he said he didn't care what we did with it as long as he didn't see it anymore.

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