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Posts posted by fritosaregood

  1. so for example the receiver my friend demoed the sub on didn't have any special outputs for subs (they were all the same). would this mean, basically, that i could run mah shit on any old receiver without much risk?

    If you can run the sub directly off the reciever there will be a speaker wire output designated for the subwoofer. and you should have no problem running it like that

  2. I checked BestBuy, they have a very limited selection of receivers (that don't come prepackaged with speakrs, which I don't want).

    Just to confirm, a 5.1 or 7.1 receiver would not work? Because of a difference in impedance?

    Yea, bestbuy is limited. circuit city used to have a big selection of different recievers, but they are gone now.

    A 5.1 and 7.1 reciever would work, it would just have wasted channels if your only using two of them. The impedance difference shouldnt be a problem. Just look at the specs. If it has a sub amp built in, look for its minimum impedence. if it just has a pre out for a sub amp the sub impedence will only matter for the external sub amp

  3. Ok, how would I go about wiring it to my laptop?

    it should go:


    connect this the laptop headphone jack: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...FTOKEN=26967993

    connect that other end of that to the first amp: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...FTOKEN=26967993

    connect one end of this rca to the 2 ch amp: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...FTOKEN=26967993

    connect the other end of that rca to the sub amp: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...FTOKEN=26967993

  4. Thanks for the help. So does this basically mean that I would only need one receiver, but I would need two amplifiers to run a 2.1 setup? And also to confirm that the difference in impedance between the speakers wouldn't mess up the receiver, even if it has 5.1 or 7.1 sound?

    If you have a reciever, you just need the reciever and and amp for the sub.

    The things i posted were both amps, one for speakers and one for the sub, in that setup you laptop would kinda be considered the reciever or thats where the signal would be coming from atleast.

    edit: and different impedance between speakers and subs wont do any harm, the sub amp is usually external anyway.

  5. I have this one pushing 4 12s:


    and it does quite a number on the house! I have broken things. They also make a 300 watt version. I have also owned a Dayton plate amp (until a direct lightning strike killed it). It was nice but didn't have the grunt that the Bash does.

    Ive got that amp one a 15" dayton sub. things fall of shelve to say the least, to say even more neighbors come over to make me turn it down cuz their windows are rattling

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