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About KVally

  • Birthday 06/04/1989

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  • Location
    Valrico, Florida

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I hear you man... I think every real human being that doesn't live in fantasy land has times like these. Where it seems like everything and everyone around you is just there to get in your way and put you down, even if its the smallest of things. Thats when you gotta find the things in life that get you through times like these. Whatever that may be. I've learned to count my blessings and think about the things I have and not the things I don't, which we all now is hard as hell, as we all know we all seem to like nice shit around here, myself included. And I'm by no means a bible thumper but I've been working on just having faith. Not really in a god or a religious sense. Just faith in myself, the people around me, in life... Being optimistic can be hard as shit when you feel helpless, but curling up in a ball isn't gonna do us any good either. Just gotta roll with the punches... Hoped this helped a lil bro. But i feel ya
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