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Posts posted by kandiman71874

  1. Yes i have heard the Fi Q's as well as i owned an SSD. The q sounds great on everything. But then again. I KNOW HOW TO BUILD AND DESIGN A DAMN ENCLOSURE!!

    Will you stop being such a stubborn know it all and listen to what some of the veterans have told you. The response of a sub set up is box dependent as long as you are using a decent to good quality driver. If you really want all around bad ass SQ and punchiness, Buy the Q and build a proper 1/4 wave t-line for it.

    If you keep wanting to think that its more sub then enclosure, stop asking questions and go do research instead of making pointless poss until you can learn to actually listen to the people who have been doing audio since you were probably in diapers...

  2. The really cool part was this entire show went to Charley and his family for medical bills and any other needs. $3100 bucks was raised.

    And Purple, which one were you there? I hate how we all know who people are on the forums by their screen name but we get to a show and half of us don't know who the hell each other is lol

    For anyone else on here that goes to Midwest spl shows, The Charley class will be offered at all of Steves' ( Possibly other judges shows as well) shows for the rest of the year to continue to contribute to the fund for Charley and the family. If you guys actually know who Charley is, you can understand why everyone is doing everything they possibly can. He is defiantly the type to give you the shirt off his back and any bit of knowledge you need as long as it isn't for a selfish act..

    I was in the purple fusion that said PURPLESYRUP on the back, haha, I don't know charley, but came to the show to donate and show support. As soon as my next build is done I will be attending more events. I'm about 2-3 weeks out. Waiting for DD to get parts in and send it to me. there was a 6 week wait when I purchased.


    The wait sucks man, but you really need to downgrade to a smaller Boss amp. Not sure that 400 watt one is your best choice on that 9500 series. I think you'll end up burning up a coil from to much power. That amp is like the funky pup of amps man. Totally fuckin INSANE!!!!!!!!!

    (Total Joke for those of you that cant comprehend sarcasm)

    And i saw your ride, i meant you as in who were you there? for all i know, we were standing there bullshitting with each other for a while lol

  3. The really cool part was this entire show went to Charley and his family for medical bills and any other needs. $3100 bucks was raised.

    And Purple, which one were you there? I hate how we all know who people are on the forums by their screen name but we get to a show and half of us don't know who the hell each other is lol

    For anyone else on here that goes to Midwest spl shows, The Charley class will be offered at all of Steves' ( Possibly other judges shows as well) shows for the rest of the year to continue to contribute to the fund for Charley and the family. If you guys actually know who Charley is, you can understand why everyone is doing everything they possibly can. He is defiantly the type to give you the shirt off his back and any bit of knowledge you need as long as it isn't for a selfish act..

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