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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. so where could i get some fiberglass? what kind of place could I get that at locally, I read a post somewhere, someone mentioned being able to get some at home depot?!?!

    Also, how could I calculate these boxes tuning? I cant really use software because I haven't seen a program that deals with non-standard box shapes like this.

    same goes for volume, how can I calculate the exact volume? it seemed straight forward (box, and cylinder) until I realized that the angle the tubes are cut at mean you cant just use a formula for a cylinder.

  2. Why not consider mounting the amps right under the rear deck? Suspended on a 1/2 mdf board covered in carpet, with a removable beaty cover. You won't even be able to see the amps the rear deck is easier to fasten to, and you trunk lid will stay up...

    Kind of like this...



    because my boxes fit in between the wheel wells, and fill in the space almost perfectly.... there is only 1/4" between the top of the boxes, and the bottom of the rear deck.

  3. whoa I forgot about this thread.

    For right now I'll just be using some insignia subs, and amp. I know I'll need to secure my lid for sure.

    There is also another smaller DualAV 4/3/2 channel amp.

    I think I'm going to have to buy another insignia amp, and mount them at an angle, with the Dual amp mounted in the middle ... so like an "A" shape with amps.

    The car it's going into is a 1996 Mercury Cougar.

    Here's a pic of my lid.


  4. If I were you, before I potentially wasted a lot of money on wet amps and subs, I would definitely take everything non-metal out of that trunk and look for the holes. Carpet, trim, tires, everything. I am assuming you live in an area where you drive in road salt. If your trunk is leaking because of rust, silicone is not going to fix it for long.

    Also, inspect your trunk seal for any cracks or rips whatsoever. If you find any, do yourself a favor and buy a brand new one to replace it with. Good luck...

    I've mostly taken the carpet out, i've looked under my car as well, and the car is in great shape. I don't think any of my problems are caused by rust, naturally I will be inspecting for that when the time comes to do the work in there, but aside from being dirty, and covered with years of oil treatments(obviously not a bad thing) the underbody is beautiful.... there is next to no rust on this car.

    The only thing separating the trunk from the cabin is the back seats, and the material/padding on the rear deck.... the deck has 2 big holes in it for ventilation(speakers don't go here, trust me)

  5. I don't just want to have gobs of silicone everywhere. I'm sure my trunk seal needs to be replaced, and I'll do that anyway (Plus I gotta tighten my trunk lid somehow..... anyone??) but what about condensation? how can I stop that or cut it down? I've seen my trunk lid looking like the inside of a freezer with heavy frost on it.

    The trunk is also oily, the car's been oiled sprayed every year, including the trunk and engine bay.... this may be a good thing, but it's damn gross in some parts of the trunk.

    I'm considering taking the carpet out altogether, cleaning it out, and having the entire trunk lined with spray on truck bed liner..... I think it would look good too., would also blend in much better with a fiberglass cover on my speakers.

    ......BREADBAGS??? .... I more than LOLed at that....

  6. Well condensation aside I think my trunk leaks somewhere, I know it drips a little bit in one screw where the luggage rack is, but I think it's leaking elsewhere also.

    I took my spare tire out today after a rough winter, and found there was a fairly large puddle in there, and I've seen frozen "trails" of water in the winter.

    This is not a good thing considering I want to stick electronics in there.

    How can I seal up my trunk to keep it watertight, and keep condensation down?

  7. check out the fiberglassing forum, there's a lot of build pics and how-to's that will def give you an idea of how to do whatever it is you have pictured in your head. Just keep in mind even a small project could run 100-200bux between resin/glass/gloves/brushes/felt/wood/glue/containers/hardener/bondo/sandpaper/finishing material/paint

    Stuff like gloves and sandpaper, arent a problem, i can "borrow" those from work ;) I know it isn't cheap, but it's stuff that will be used again too, I want to do some glasswork in my car, so I need to learn.

  8. its all pretty simple stuff once you get the whole stretching fleece/mixing resin/applying glass/getting air out thing down, none of which is hard, just takes some time experimenting and shit, you cant be afraid to throw it out and start over

    check out the fiberglassing forum, there's a lot of build pics and how-to's that will def give you an idea of how to do whatever it is you have pictured in your head. Just keep in mind even a small project could run 100-200bux between resin/glass/gloves/brushes/felt/wood/glue/containers/hardener/bondo/sandpaper/finishing material/paint

    the biggest problem I face with this design is that its big for one, and would be my first time. Secondly, and most importantly, Im not sure how I would make the cover blend in to the trunk.... im seriously completely lost on how to secure the fabric to certain points on the car, and getting it off once the glass has hardened.

    I will worry about it a bit more once I figure out what i'm going to do with my trunk.

    I'm considering removing the carpeting, cleaning it all down to bare metal and having it sprayed with rhino liner or something. That still leaves me with 2 boxes though... I don't want it to look like there are two boxes sitting in my trunk.

    and how do I secure the damn things? I've been considering welding tabs right to the trunk to bolt the boxes directly to it.

  9. I'm in the process of collecting parts, and getting my audio system together, building my boxes etc. Well due to some space restrictions (and the fact that I like being different" I had to come up with a design that would still aloow me to use my trunk and keep my spare tire(and keep it accessible too) So I came up with the design I have now.

    The boxes aren't done, I need to do a few other things before it's all ready to go, but I wanted some opinions on my "out of the ordinary" design from people who really know.

    Why the tube you will all ask? Well, the wedge shaped box was too small internally for my speakers listed box size, but if my boxes were square they would cover up my spare tire cover and I wouldn't be able to easily open it. plus speakers are round so I didn't want to build a square tube for a round speaker. Also I wanted to try for something that looked really cool too, like a couple of jet engines in the trunk or something.

    I am going for SQ here, not straight SPL, I'll be adding other speakers inside my cab too, so my sound will be nice and crisp.

    The tubes will need to be reinforced, I'm thinking of coating them with FG resin (after peeling off the inner and outer paper layer) to solidify them and maybe add some bracing in there.

    the size when finished, with the felt padding inside, should be damn near the 1.075 FT3 that I need.

    so, lets hear it.....


  10. I dont know if its been mentioned but in some cases you can get some pretty decent discounts if you have a good car alarm, like the kind of thing that disables the engine and such.

    I forget the company but one I looked at here had extra discounts available if our car alarm;

    would disable the engine/electrical/battery in event of theft.

    has any features like gps tracking/camera

    and any other stuff to basically make the car un-driveable should it be stolen or able to be tracked.

  11. Since the weather is getting nicer, it's time to start planning some projects for the spring to complete my audio system(I still need a couple of components though) One thing I need to do is build an amp rack.

    Due to some space restrictions, I.E. I still need some space in my trunk, this is my daily driver, tjhe only place I can think of to put my amps is on my trunk lid. I'm aware of the problems associated with doing this, and am trying to plan accordingly, but first thing is first, I need a rack to mount my amps.

    I would like to have a fiberglass cover in the end, that I could put over the rack, and make everything nice and pro.

    How do I get my amps mounted there? there are quite a few contours, and I'm really not sure where to start here.

    Appreciate any help you guys can offer.


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